JW's came to my door 6 weeks ago. I told them I was inactive.......
by Alchemist 56 Replies latest jw experiences
6 weeks ago some JWs came to my door. I've been inactive for 8 years. After they gave their presentation I told them I was inactive. I gave them my name, age, cell phone number, and the name of my old congregation. The JW elder at the door gave me his number as well. 6 weeks past and I haven't heard from them or my old congregation. I assumed someone from their congregation or my old congregation would have contacted me by now. I gave them my information because I was seriously considering returning. I have mixed feelings about this. -
John Aquila
Why would you want to return???? -
What kind of mixed feelings do you have? -
Well, if 1,000 years are as one day to Jehovah, 6 weeks is but an eyeblink. Let's hope they turn up real soon to help you return if that's what you had seriously considered.
On the other hand....what does it tell you about the current breed of JWs?
I have been out longer than you, but from what I have read there is a great deal of apathy on the part of JWs these days. People do the bare minimum of door to door work and no one has time or the will to devote to others in the congregation, much less getting back lost sheep. The focus is on the Website and literature carts where JWs stand around chit chatting while people walk by.
If you don't mind my asking, why do you want to return?
I don't think that them not coming back to see you is local thing ,when I was on a servant body it was the same everywhere you went .
Yep what does that say about this religion?
It was always a matter of putting on a big display of finding new people at the doors while ignoring the suffering ones IN the congregation .................please seriously consider going back .
Alchemist, go to jw.org; choose 'publications' at the top of the page; scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose 'show releases'; choose Day 1; read 'Return to Jehovah'.
And therein lies the nub of the problem: jw.org is a superior substitute for door-knocking. The organization does not need Witnesses when the internet is way more efficient. Marvel at how easy returning is: a few clicks away.
Haha oh Steve just nailed it!
The organization now has its tidy, clean and neat website. No need to interact as a human being with lost sheep. Just tell them to get online and download their 'meat in due season' right off of jw.org. Hilarious.
A better idea for you Alchemist, head on over to jwfacts.com. Read and digest everything there for next 30 days. That should set you straight for the rest of your life.
Welcome to the forum.
My husband and I left the JWs ten years ago. No one has been by to ask us to return...not that we would, however. Someone passed along this wonderful thought, "Better to have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned. Do you really want to return to an organization that "does all the research for you?"