Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse

by Richard_I 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    At no time , nowhere has the Jehovah`s witness religion acknowledged or admitted that child sexual abuse occurs in their organization . That video by Anthony Morris 111 ,is putting the blame, the onus , on people outside the J.W. organization , saying ,.. in effect ..... without saying ,.... We don`t have the problem , it`s a worldly problem that we must protect our children from.

    Spin , Spin , Spin , these guys are unethical ,and liars of the worst kind ,I am disgusted with them.

    sherrie11 , I think that inquiry is due to take place on July 27 th , I just hope it`s not a paper tiger that has no teeth and doesn`t go anywhere.....A problem I find with these investigations is that they are so localised and do not take into account what is happening on the world scene with these organizations , which would go a long way to determine the overall problem within these groups ,religious or secular.

    Just about every western nation on earth , not sure about third world nations ,have multiple child abuse cases on record against the Jehovah`s Witness religion going back many decades ,just to name a few , Australia , America, The United Kingdom , and I`m sure you can name many more.


  • hoser
    I have a hard time watching this idiot
  • Oubliette

    Dubstepped: we should all be attacking why the elders are even trying to handle these matters in the first place. Child sexual abuse is a CRIME, not something that elders should even be hearing.


    The elders are completely unqualified to handle such matters.

    It's delusional that they think they are. The elders of course believe this because they are told they are qualified by the WT leadership, people like Anthony Morris. Ultimately, the responsibility is at the top. They need to be called out for their corruption, hypocrisy and lies and held accountable.

  • punkofnice
    I wonder if his holiness Pope TOMO is waving that old magazine (full of apostate old light), so that the WBT$ can say to lawyers, 'Lookie here, Deputy Dawg, we sure ain't gulity of protecting Governing body mean paedophiles. this here maggy-zine proves it. Look how long ago we said it too, yuk yuk yuk..'
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    He sounds like he's on some medication, I mean he's a leader of a delusional cult that has no mercy and has to think up all sorts of ways to keep his company afloat and come up with utter bull shit ideas full of denial.

    And lets not forget how turned on he gets when he even sees someone in tight pants so much so that he rants on and on during a important meeting abroad about how disgusting his imaginary sock puppet Jehovah feels when he looks down to earth billions of light years away and sees people wearing spandex. To me it is obvious this job is killing him and he needs his meds to get him through the day without blabbering too much bull shit and wind up getting stuck in the Bethel psych ward hell whole and loose his Faithful and discreet status.

  • Finkelstein

    I find it a bit ironic that the GB choose Tight Pants Tony for talking about pedophilia in the organization.

    Seems AM is the know all for human sexuality.

    Dubstepped: we should all be attacking why the elders are even trying to handle these matters in the first place. Child sexual abuse is a CRIME, not something that elders should even be hearing.

    True but as its known the JW organization as a whole with its elders see pedophilia as just another act of sexual immortality and mostly treat it likewise.

    In outside secular knowledge pedophilia is a serious crime and treated quite differently from fornication or adultery. One could say the WTS wants to take the law into their own hands and disregard outside secular laws.

    The adherence to the two witness rule is another element that exacerbates the problem in that many people accused end up leaving the area where they were to escape the heat .

    The other thing that draws up its own concern is how the WTS/JWS deals with victims of these attacks. Do elders have the expertise and knowledge in handling the damaging psychological effects these attacks can present ?

    Hardly not, they are more concerned about the accused and dealing with those individuals.

  • Illuminated

    The WTS clearly does enough research to educate themselves on many topics, yet they like to cherry pick the advice they give to it's rank and file members as long as it benefits the higher ups. For instance, anyone with half a brain and especially additional research scratching the surface is aware a perpetrator isn't going to run off in fear once the victim yells "Stop" let alone a small child saying "Stop I'm going to tell on you". With a response like that, many times a perpetrator will threaten to harm the child's family if the child tells and continues the abuse regardless. Side note: why wasn't the fictitious monster a JW in a suit carrying WT magazines?!

    Another observation that was made is that the response of the child is the same way a woman should respond according to the WT, otherwise she is at fault if she doesn't scream--here's the publication: Are they going to question whether or not the child screamed or ran to get away and if not, they sinned? I can picture an abuse survivor still trapped in the cult feeling a sense of guilt and further shame after watching that segment thinking it was their fault when in fact, many if not most victims literally shut down on a physical level when or as the abuse occurs since it's so traumatizing for their psyche to take. The higher ups of the WTS are aware of this, yet advice they dish out to benefit and cover themselves legally instead is disgusting.

    As for the meeting that takes place with elders, the pedophile and the victim all together in the same room while the victim is forced to go into details of the abuse then forced to keep quiet and not warn other parents as it would be "slander" due to the pedophile denying it and an obvious lack of two witnesses, it is reported by many abuse survivors that the lack of believing them with what occurred was more damaging then the abuse itself. Take the WTS and it's awful practices, and push the button to a hundred on this issue. They rinse wash and repeat the victimization.

  • flipper

    This " Sophie & Caleb " video the WT has released at this assembly allegedly addressing child abuse is probably the most juvenile, stupid, ridiculous thing I've seen them do yet.

    I mean, let's be real here. First off- it TOTALLY minimizes the REAL dangers of child abuse by portraying a cartoon, animated child abuser as some kind of a fictitious Warner Brothers Tasmanian Devil running around who looks like a blob going " ooohgh, ahhh " with an outreached hand to grab the kids ! What the hell is THAT supposed to be ?

    If the WT Society was REALLY serious about warning parents about child abusers among them they'd get REAL humans as REAL actors in a REAL portrayal of what happens in actual child abuse threatening situations and show how real human pedophiles ( not cartoon monsters ) threaten children and even show them threatening to harm their parents if the child said something about the abuse. THAT would be real where the impact of the REAL seriousness of this child abuse crime would be driven home. But by using cartoon characters this is just so destructive and minimizes or makes a joke really out of a VERY serious crime. Shame on the WT Society. Shame on the GB. A criminal organization making light of a very serious crime

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Don't know if you guys seen it, but there is a brand new video for Caleb and Sophia on the topic of pedophiles! Check it out!
  • StrongHaiku

    What flipper said... especially the following:

    But by using cartoon characters this is just so destructive and minimizes or makes a joke really out of a VERY serious crime. Shame on the WT Society. Shame on the GB. A criminal organization making light of a very serious crime.

    Making a farce of other people's suffering is their bread-and-butter. Whether it's the way they call the out-group "worldly" with contempt, using news on death and violence in society as a way to warm their faith, the way they let monsters lose in the world by not contacting authorities in every case, or a nice WT picture with people dying at Armageddon. All people are to them are bricks for their yellow-brick road. And, I know this, because I used to be one of them.

    Here is the shameful and terrible thing. If I was still a JW, I might come up with some brilliant justifications for all of the things that are coming to light. That's not a search for truth. That's the problem with being indoctrinated to be a xenophobe and discouraged to think critically for yourself. And, when you have unquestioning/blind loyalty, it shapes your sense of morality.

    I have no doubt that many JWs are seeing the problems, but they seem frozen to do anything about it and have resigned themselves to ignore them.

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