In every Kingdom Hall, there seems to be that one family that always irritates you. In our Hall there is this one family that thinks they have been blessed by Jehovah himself because nearly all of the children became either Bethelites, traveling overseers,or elders.Their comments always have THAT tone which is condescending. They always give their "wonderful experiences" of how they helped 2000 people in the "truth". Of course they do everything right. Have you ever experieced a family that truly irritated you?
by minimus 11 Replies latest jw friends
Yes! They were always the ones in the spotlight at the conventions- they could do no wrong. Very successful business and very popular in the congregation.
Kind of turned your stomach if ya know what I mean. They were the types that helped convince me that I did not want to share paradise on earth in eternity with the likes of them. Sure did not seem to imitate the Jesus I was reading about in the bible---
Ha ha, Minimus, you got me going again!
You always come up with the questions that provoke me into a response. Yes I did know a family just like that. The dad was P.O, first son and wife missionarys in timbuckfuckingtoo, next son school overseer (in the style of adolf hitler) and window cleaner of course and daughter spinster pioneer, as straight laced as they come.
It kind of got to the point, where if anyone made a comment in either the wt study or at the service meeting, glances were sneakily made in 'daddy P.Os' direction to see whether we had his blessing or not!
They were what was known as "the centre of the organisation" and that was the place that we ought to be! Personally, I never wanted to be right there, well not with them anyway! A lot of the bros and sisters were terrified of them and I always dreaded approaching him if I ever needed an auxilliary pioneer form, I used to study his face for a glimmer of approval, but alas never gained it.
Oh minimus, don't do this to me....just when I thought it was safe to leave it all, you keep bringing it all back!
Only one? Geeze..........ya our PO is an arrogant a##hole: daughter's a regular pioneer, son and his bitchified wife are preaching to all the natives somewhere over in Africa I think......I hope those two lions; the Ghost and the Darkness bite their spiritual bums off.
Anyway, the PO is for-EVER droning on and on and on about all the wonderful "experiences" his nazi-like son is having in his missionary work. He'll be in the middle of doing the WT study and he totally changes the subject and starts boring everyone to death................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I'm sure tongues of fire follow them everywhere they go........
Very successful business and very popular in the congregation.
I never became successful in business until I LEFT the congregation. LOL!
mrs rocky2
I am the black sheep of that least half of my family, fortunately for me, lives very, very far dad is PO of his congregation, my brother and his wife pioneers. I think they thought they were encouraging us when they shared their experiences. It had the exact opposite effect. It made them look more arrogant, self-centered, self-righteous. And since Rocky and I have never been full time pioneers, servants, etc. we just looked even more pitiful to them because we never ever could come close to having experiences like theirs. I rather like being the black sheep...keeps their arrogant selves away from us. We wouldn't want to soil them now would we?
Mrs R
Yes there were many families like that were I was from. There was actually two twin brothers, they came from a family where half the people were df'd, yet they thought they were god. It was so freaking irritating. I think one of them had an affair after I left, pretty funny. I totally know what you are saying...
i personaly enjoyed the stroy about the family that had the window cleaner and spinster pioneer. My generation seems to have a lot of clenaing people in it-we all sorely regret not going to college-so i went after my kids got older. since i still have ties with cong. i know that most hav moved on t get better jobs. I'm in the 40-50 age group. lot of us out there that regret not going to college. never too late though.
Yeah, and what made it worse was that the Bible Dramas usually had a goody goody family in them that reminded me of them.
O.K. you can say more than 1 family,,,,,There's another type of family that THOUGHT they were the best, most theocratic people in the "truth". Everybody would laugh at them and their comments, but they just never knew it. And they were generally the stupidest people in the Hall, But they thought they were the smartest.