Anthony Morris III: "...we cannot control everything that an individual might say..."

by cappytan 36 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Oubliette

    For those of you that are interested, here is a thread I started that shows what is typically expected/required of mandated reporters, in this case credentialed teachers in California, U.S.A.:

    Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act

  • Vidiot

    Anthony Morris III - "...we cannot control everything that an individual might say..."

    "...but we'd sure like to!"

  • Nitty-Gritty

    Just a few observation from inside a KH

    My husband was attendant one meeting (he is neither a min servant nor elder) and a family came in a little late, they don't come very often because the husband travels a lot for work. Anyway, one of her little boys (about 3) was acting up a bit and making a lot of noise. My husband felt bad telling the mom to take her child outside so in all innocence he offered to take her little boy into the foyer to let him run around a bit, and the mother in all innocence smiled and said yes sure. My husband was out there barely a second when another bother attending (min servant) went in there and told my husband it’s not a good idea, so my husband came back in and handed the child (who had stopped crying in the meantime) back to its mother. Neither of us thought anything of it until later, when it dawned on us that this is possibly because of the pedophilia issue. The brother was trying to protect my husband from possible accusation, and protect the child from possible molestation (by my husband, lol). Another instance was when a few years ago a sister wanted her eldest teenage son to study with one of her friends (pioneer elder) as she thought it was better than with his dad, the pioneer elder respectfully declined and said it was hers or her husband’s responsibility. I didn’t think anything much of it either, just thought things have evidently changed since I had friends who used to study (years ago) with others apart from their family members. Then it dawned on me this was again a protection for that boy, and for the pioneer elder, giving no room for accusation (by anybody). Evidently the org. is putting strict practical measures into place to prevent any child from being molested. I spoke a little about it with one elder friend and he confirmed that elders and ministerial servants are being trained to observe (as in they themselves) and make others follow a certain code of conduct when it comes to children and minors. I would say that the environment is being made extremely difficult for any pedophile to “thrive” in a congregation these days.

  • StrongHaiku

    Anthony Morris III: "...we cannot control everything that an individual might say..."

    At which point he had an attendant bring a bowl of water and washed his hands...

  • Naoscillator

    "Evidently" confirmation bias can make you believe whatever you want to, Nitty-Gritty.

    In my direct observation and experience, elders have had to go rogue from what the legal and service department were telling them in order to keep pedophiles from grooming children right inside the KH.

    Really. Legal said "keep watching him and warn the parents." The parents are idiots who let this guy hug and kiss their kids, constantly, during the meeting. As if after doing that all of our hands would be tied until there's an accusation. I gained a lot of respect for the COBE when he lost patience with this and threatened the man so strongly he was "stumbled" and didn't come to a meeting for 6 months. Now he's at 1 of 3 meetings and minds his p's and q's.

    In this case, wishful thinking and a waiting attitude didn't get things done. Acting according to one's conscience did.


    LQ, if a man or woman was of the consenting age and the other party was not, that can be a blurry situation in the eyes of the law, especially if the parent of the non-legal party has an axe to grind.

    Still, it's managable. If the J-dumbs simply acted like a real brotherhood, the problem could be resolved. Imagine an entire Q&A between the BOE, the accused ( perhaps guilty by law ) and the entire congregation.

    "Brothers and sisters, so-and-so was 20 and so-and-so was 17. A,B, C took place and then the you-know-what, went in the you-know-where. That was 10 years ago. Should so-and-so be appointed as a MS or Elder?"

    Can you even imagine such a "justice in the gates" scenario??


  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    Disillusionment is fast becoming my favorite word.
  • sir82

    Evidently the org. is putting strict practical measures into place to prevent any child from being molested. I spoke a little about it with one elder friend and he confirmed that elders and ministerial servants are being trained to observe (as in they themselves) and make others follow a certain code of conduct when it comes to children and minors.


    No such training is being carried out.

    "Evidently" you are engaging in wishful thinking.

  • Oubliette

    NG: I would say that the environment is being made extremely difficult for any pedophile to “thrive” in a congregation these days.

    That's good where that is happening, but it still doesn't change the fact that the GB has NOT publicly acknowledged the problem WITHIN the congregation and the elders are still NOT mandated reporters.

    Get the clue!

  • freddo

    @Naoscillator - I agree 110%

    In my experience in the UK when I was an elder legal (and service dept of course) never wanted elders to contact the authorities or warn parents. I know I did both on the quiet and I know one or two others in the circuit at least warned parents too.

    "Don't bring reproach" was finally replaced with a grudging "you can't stop anyone going to the authorities" (After the BBC 2002 Panorama programme) - but the whole ethos was to cover up.

    I saw ToMo3's "clever broadcast" and his "clever theocratic warfare" and sadly know it will work on most jw's. Sad, so very sad.

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