They say if you're under 30 and you're conservative, you have no heart. And if you're over 30 and you're liberal, you have no brains.
I find myself all over the map. I was raised to believe that Armageddon was right around the corner, so my parents saw no need to send me to college. It also helped that my dad was a cheap bastard. I often thought that this was the perfect religion for my dad, since he didn't have to spend a penny on me, no matter what holiday was coming up. Anyway, that meant that I went to work at the tender age of 15, and I haven't stopped since. So my views on welfare are that if you are healthy and able bodied, you should be out working. And if you're on welfare, you should be made to pick up trash on the side of the road, or at least something usefull. My ex-wife is from Baton Rouge Louisana, and when she started to attend Southern, the people in her neighborhood who had been on welfare for generations, told her that she was crazy, since the man(government) was willing to support her and any amount of children that she cared to have. So you can say I'm conservative on this issue.
As far as abortion goes, I believe that it's the womans choice and the government should keep their no out of a womans womb. Hmmm. Liberal view.
As far as crime goes, I believe in the 3 strikes law. The first time you're caught for an offence, maybe you really are innocent, it happens. The senond time they send you to prison, you probably are a problem for society, but maybe you walk under a black cloud and possibly another mistake was made. But the third time is the kicker for me, obiously we're dealing with a problem child here. As far as I'm concerned, we should either kill them or at least house them in maximum security prisons for the rest of their lives. No T.V., no drugs, no sex changes, no weights, so they can't beef themselves up like Charles Atles. If you disagree, then you probably have never had your life devistated by a repeat offender who was let out early by a liberal judge or panel. Definately conservative.
As far as drugs go, I believe that they should all be legalised and taxed. For those people that have their head in the sand and say that drugs will then be available to anybody who wants them. I've got some disturbing news for you, any kid anywhere can get anything their hearts desire at their local school, any school. We save millions on that rathole, that is the war on drugs and we take billions of dollars out of the hands of the crime lords, and even the street punks will suffer economic backlash. Liberal view.
I find my opinions don't follow a certain party line. So, I was wondering if others that were raised Witnesses, like me, find their political and social views scattered all over the spectrum. If you're currently religious, you probably don't think like me because your opinions are relegated to you by sheepherders thousands of years ago.