right,left. or little of both

by finnrot 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • finnrot

    They say if you're under 30 and you're conservative, you have no heart. And if you're over 30 and you're liberal, you have no brains.

    I find myself all over the map. I was raised to believe that Armageddon was right around the corner, so my parents saw no need to send me to college. It also helped that my dad was a cheap bastard. I often thought that this was the perfect religion for my dad, since he didn't have to spend a penny on me, no matter what holiday was coming up. Anyway, that meant that I went to work at the tender age of 15, and I haven't stopped since. So my views on welfare are that if you are healthy and able bodied, you should be out working. And if you're on welfare, you should be made to pick up trash on the side of the road, or at least something usefull. My ex-wife is from Baton Rouge Louisana, and when she started to attend Southern, the people in her neighborhood who had been on welfare for generations, told her that she was crazy, since the man(government) was willing to support her and any amount of children that she cared to have. So you can say I'm conservative on this issue.

    As far as abortion goes, I believe that it's the womans choice and the government should keep their no out of a womans womb. Hmmm. Liberal view.

    As far as crime goes, I believe in the 3 strikes law. The first time you're caught for an offence, maybe you really are innocent, it happens. The senond time they send you to prison, you probably are a problem for society, but maybe you walk under a black cloud and possibly another mistake was made. But the third time is the kicker for me, obiously we're dealing with a problem child here. As far as I'm concerned, we should either kill them or at least house them in maximum security prisons for the rest of their lives. No T.V., no drugs, no sex changes, no weights, so they can't beef themselves up like Charles Atles. If you disagree, then you probably have never had your life devistated by a repeat offender who was let out early by a liberal judge or panel. Definately conservative.

    As far as drugs go, I believe that they should all be legalised and taxed. For those people that have their head in the sand and say that drugs will then be available to anybody who wants them. I've got some disturbing news for you, any kid anywhere can get anything their hearts desire at their local school, any school. We save millions on that rathole, that is the war on drugs and we take billions of dollars out of the hands of the crime lords, and even the street punks will suffer economic backlash. Liberal view.

    I find my opinions don't follow a certain party line. So, I was wondering if others that were raised Witnesses, like me, find their political and social views scattered all over the spectrum. If you're currently religious, you probably don't think like me because your opinions are relegated to you by sheepherders thousands of years ago.

  • larc


    My views are almost identical to yours, with one exception. I think that abortion should be allowed but limited. If a woman makes a mistake and she can not support a child, then she have the child and give it up for adoption, rather than killing it. There are many married couples who are looking for healthy new borns to raise.

    Well, you raised a lot of issues, so this thread should go on for a long time, indeed.

  • Valis
    If you disagree, then you probably have never had your life devistated by a repeat offender who was let out early by a liberal judge or panel. Definately conservative.

    Dude..I would ask that you define your list of crimes that the 3 strikes law applies to. My brother is a repeat offender and yeah as far as a cohesive family? Yeah devastated...made to attend home school and not pay societal consequences for one's actions lends to a fractured nonexistant family.Particularly when one part of the fam thinks jehovah is the be all and end all... Please do rethink what you posted.


    District Overbeer of the "felonious" class

  • finnrot

    larc, if a woman wants to go to term and give the baby up for adoption, then I think that's great. But it should be her choice.

    Valis, my brother has been a professional criminal ALL his life. If the government had put him to sleep or put him in prison for the rest of his life at an early age, many innocent people would not have had the heartache to come home and find all their hard earned belongings torn apart and or stolen. He, like many other repeat offenders only cause hearthace and pain for good decent people.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Hi Finn

    Have you seen www.politicalcompass.org? It's pretty well known, it's been mentioned here a couple of times, and may give a quick guesstimate of where you're at. The Left-Right, Liberal-Conservitive axis is at best limited, and needs at least two (and probably three according to some) axis to get a better picture.

    That particular site offers a Left-Right and Libiterian-Authoritarian axis, so your reasons for supporting 3 Strikes might reveal a Liberal Leftish tendency to seek a better society through Govt action (maybe... being generous here as a Liberal Democrat...), while locking people up for life without even TV may demonstrate a bit of an authoritarian streak!! Authoritarian left... mmm... That's like Stalin or Pol Pot... mmm.. Finnrot - Pol Pot - ahh... is that how you go your name???

    Only teasing... Politcs makes a big difference in the world, but only those who take an interest can hope to understand it, so enjoy the journey!

    Cheers, Max

  • DanTheMan


    I try to read your posts, but that profile pic is a little, umm...distracting, to say the least!

    Wow, they don't come finer than that!

    My politics are center-left

  • Elsewhere

    Damn!!! Look at the boobies on finnrot!!!

    Edited by - Elsewhere on 14 September 2002 22:54:19

  • finnrot

    Hi Max, thanx for the test. I'm exactly in the middle of the line, about two boxes down towards the libertarian side.

    Yours truly


    kinda catchy

  • Faraon

    On crime:

    First of all, I don't believe in the death penalty.

    Cops rairoad too many inocents. Once you have a record, they'll blame you for anything under the sun. IMO little punk gang-bangers that spray paint homes or willingfully damage public or private property should be given harsher penalties than dope dealers. People who abuse trust and steal from friends or aquaintances should be given harsher penalties. White collar crimes should be dealt with severely since they tend to hurt too many people. Violent criminals should only be jailed with other violent criminals. Conjugal visits should be allowed. Rapists caught on tape or with the proverbial 3 witnesses should be turned into females and given a taste of their own soup by a trained horse at least daily. By the way. I have no criminal record.

    As for abortion,

    I agree that it is a woman's body, but they carry another life inside. They have no rights over that life, and it should it only be allowed in rape cases or when the life of the mother is at stake. Contraceptives should be free and no questions asked. They should be able to put up the kid for adoption, being taken care of by the state. 3rd unwanted kid would mean mandatory sterelization.

    On welfare:

    Welfare should only be given after the state cannot find a job for the recipient. Those jobs could include baby sitting for other mothers who work. Recipients shoul be trained in a short trade.

    On drugs:

    Legal and illegal drugs should not be taxed. Governments should provide free prescription drugs. Illegal drugs should be decriminalized, but sales to minors should still be harshly punished (I only consume legal prescription drugs) and people under the influence of drugs committing crimes or having vehicular accidents under nonprescription drugs should have twice the punishment.

    On medical care:

    It should be free for all. Following the example of Mexico, Medical schools should be free, but graduates should provide service to the state at a salary compared to that of a teacher for three or four years.

    Just my 2 pennies.

  • finnrot

    Thanks dantheman and Elsewhere, my boobies help me take my mind off politics.

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