Education Level of GB
by The_Doctor10 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
After seeing so many topics about the stupidity of the GB, just got me wondering, anyone know the secular education levels of the GB? Are they High School level religious zealots or are they college educated manipulators? -
Morris just had his life story in the WT. He went straight from high school to the military, then joined the JWs not long after his discharge.
When Sanderson was appointed to the GB, you could infer that he pioneered right out of high school based on the details given in the article announcing it.
Don't know about the others.
Lets just say none have any achievements in higher education ie College, University
Certainly not in academic theology or ancient history.
What happens when you place an enormous amount of power and control into the hands of poorly educated ignorant men ? Usually humanity suffers
The way I see it, their problem isn't in itself not having academic achievements.
If only they had some common sense, intellectual honesty and chose not to be willingly ignorant, and surround themselves with educated, capable people ... but they choose otherwise. They're blinded by the power they're invested with and won't part with it.
I think the OP present a false dichotomy.
It seems to imply -- incorrectly, I believe -- that all merely high school educated people are ignorant dupes and all college educated people really know better.
That said, I've asked myself many times whether the GB really believe all the things they come out with or whether they know they're making it up as they go along.
In other words, does the man behind the curtain really believe he is the great and powerful Wizard of Oz or does he know deep down that he's a humbug?
In CoC, Ray Franz gave examples of GB members of his day questioning various WT teachings, including the critical 1914 date, yet this never seemed to lead them to question whether they and the WTS were really God's chosen channel of communication.
Based on that, I tend to think that regardless of their formal schooling levels, the GB really believe their hype about their own important role in God's dealings with the world.
Of course, I could be wrong; at least some of them may know better but enjoy their prestige, power, and perks too much to humble themselves and give it all up.
@Ding Didn't mean any kind of implication between all high school educated and college educated people.
Just was curious if any in the GB had any kind of formal background in making any of their claims.
If they're just HS educated then they're most likely just making most of the stuff up as they go along, not that they can't still learn, but just an assertion that there's likely no formal training at all behind their methods of teaching, researching, or leading.
If they are college educated, then what fields of study? It would be of interesting import if human psychology was studied by any of the GB, as this could lend itself to methodology of manipulation. Or if any had studied in History, their twisting of historical events to fit Biblical prophecy.
Just was wondering if any had a "leg up," as it were to have any kind of scholarly know-how in leading a worldwide organization or were we just dealing with K-12 educated zealots who rode their piousness to their current positions atop Mount of All Lies?
My query was not meant as any kind of comparison between the education levels themselves, just was wondering what we were dealing with from the GB.
I think it's pretty clear that they're making it up as they go. The events of the last few years haven't exactly looked like the fruits of long-term planning or deep thought. It's all reactionary, and most of it is more or less unrestrained reaction.
As for "twisting of historical events to fit Biblical prophecy" I don't think there's been any of that since freddie the oracle died. Lately it's all been about obeying with no evidence, faith, guilt, and emotional manipulation. The pseudo-intellectual stuff is all gone.
Not that any of that helps you determine their educational level. I'd be surprised if any had been to college, though.
Their behavior seems to be more a product of an insular environment, than a lack of intelligence.
The vast majority of Jay dubs have nothing beyond a high school education. Why? They simply did not need any other education, because they were special and had all the answers.
In my opinion, this environment breeds individuals who are ignorant and arrogant. These are two of the most destructive dominant qualities that a human being can possess. I believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.
They probably got most of their "education" from reading the writings of Fred Franz.
Now they read their own writings (or those of the Writing Department) and convince themselves that they are endorsed by God because they come through "Jehovah's organization."
As Ray Franz said in CoC, the GB seems to think the organization has a separate existence.
They don't seem to realize that they ARE the organization.
I seem to remember Herd telling a story about going to college after he got out of the military (in Michigan, I think?). Even if he did, I'd be surprised if that made it into his printed life story in the WT.