by Deli King 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    The Rebel 'hovah.

    This particular 'hovah seems to get away with everything. He/she rarely is reprimanded, at most publicly reproved. Usually son or daughter of "big wig" 'hovah of some sort. This 'hovah has a sporty car, dresses flashy, listens to loud "worldly" music, has a "worldly" haircut, and leads virtually a "double life". Has broken the heart of other 'hovahs that are attracted to him/her.


  • czarofmischief

    Not to mention the Kramer Hovah.

    The odd one of the bunch, usually "artistic" and therefore probably a Sodomite. Gives good talks when he isn't being restricted due to public reproof. Everything is clean cut and mostly conservative, except for telltale signs like the Harley Davidson Bookbag, which give away the lurking insanity that eventually leads to such outlandish displays like being in a worldly theater show. Eventually rejects Christian morality and decides that Paul was in love with Timothy. soemtimes violent, this type is the most likely to find a constructive outlet for the hurt of his eventual disfellowshipping.

    Oddly enough, this type is less likely to become consumed with materialism, due to the very artistic nature that the stifled community tries to suppress.


  • razorMind


    Can I add one more?

    THE "LA-VAH"

    There's always one young JW male who's legendary amongst the young JW sisters, both the teens and young adults. (In my day it was a young "light-skinnedededededed" Black brother who had green eyes. He was famous with the young sisters throughout many surrounding congregations.)

    The "LA-VAH" exudes a beguiling charm, knowing just the right glance and flirtatious words to set a young JW sister's heart a-thumping. The dude is SMOOOOTH. Suits are flawlessly cut and fit. Hair is always expertly trimmed & styled, figure nicely toned as well.

    Because of his impeccable (well, outwardly) reputation--usually as a ministerial servant--he's a surefire hit with the mothers of the young sisters as well. At assemblies and "gatherings", fierce competition ensues for the "LA-VAH'S" attentions. Mothers try desperately to snag "THE LA-VAH" for a son-in-law; what a "fine, UPSTANDING (ha!) young brother!"

    The "LA-VAH" usually goes through quite a few broken engagements with young JW sisters. Extreme use of cologne is a must.

    There's one in every congregation, or at least every circuit. It never fails!

    Edited by - razorMind on 16 September 2002 0:49:27

    Edited by - razorMind on 16 September 2002 0:51:49

    Edited by - razorMind on 16 September 2002 0:54:45

  • wednesday

    What about the "just can't get it right" jw? This person probalby has been df several times , and just keeps screwing up. Some having been born into truth, just keep coming back because they don't realize they can leave rather than subject themselfs to continued humilation. Some who fall into this group are the "week women loaded down with sins".

  • mamashel

    LMAO! I think we had all of the above at one of ours, we lived in the hood, especially trouble.. hehe

    Then there was the old elders daughter, who went on vacation in Hawaii, and couldnt pay her bills, and asked for money, and daddy elder got it for her at the meeting so she wouldnt get her lights cut off. (true story)(and the worst part was she was married to a worldly man who made BIG money.


  • JT

    Razon Mind says:

    In my day it was a young "light-skinnedededededed" Black brother who had green eyes.


    you cold bloodied, but yes i know the type- there was this one bro who was at bethel with me

    RicK Hayes- out of Cleveland OH-

    he is Dfed now i understand, SMOOTH AS GLASS

    in fact he ended up MARRYING LENA HORNES granddaugher in LA

    AT THE wedding was Quicny Jones and other big wigs

    he was the master of smoothness- with those HAZLE GREEN EYES


  • TresHappy

    I know some JW's who can use the keyboard really well. Others I know just do the hunt and peck method. Me, I am up to 70 wpm!

  • joannadandy

    Dimwitted dub, that is so me!

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