
by RR 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Hey Mike Musto,

    Would your mind explaining to me, how come your a witness?


  • Beans


    A Padaun:

    It is not the real Mike Musto!


    Canadian Overbeer

  • jimbob

    Did you read some of the comments from the thread link that RR posted?? What a joke. Just read what some idiot posted..(I copied and pasted it below) It just shows you how trivial they are in counting their THAT'S the most IMPORTANT THING!! This dude thinks it's such a wonderful blessing from the FDS that some can now count 15 minutes and be counted as a regular publisher. Whoopee!! And then he hopes that they use their time wisely while others are at the door. I remember whenever I sat in the car and the others went on a call, I always hoped they got invited in and stayed their till noon so I didn't have to get out again.......:)

    I would only add an aside to the fine comments here that we look at ourselves and see if it's necessary to count every five or ten minutes that we use in witnessing about Jehovah. Each one of us will be different, of course. To some, it will not be as imporant. To others, it makes a monumental difference.

    The slave has made a wonderful provision for those who cannot be out in the field ministry to be able to count time in 15 minute increments. Therefore, if they witness for 15 minutes, they can be a regular publisher. Outstanding, and truly a marvelous kindness to these ones.

    I don't scrupulously keep track of informal witnessing, but when I think I've come to about an hour (over time), I'll put that in. It's just too much trouble for me to count every little minute.

    Also, in regard to the door witness being five minutes....true...but how many times have we been "out in service" for 2 1/2 to 3 hours and REALLY put in that much time?? Of course, we haven't...but the point is we are in a scheduled time for sacred service and hopefully we use that time wisely when others are at the door. "How good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!"

    For me personally, the five to ten minutes isn't as important as opposed to one who really struggles to make even that....and I love and admire those brothers and sister SO much!! How important to feel included!!


    You can count hours in cyber space?..That would make the regulars here at least pioneers,LOL...OUTLAW

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