1Averagejoe: Perhaps knowledge of this upcoming broadcast has added heat to the GB concerning their history of mishandling child abuse cases, as noted in Morris' address in trying to wash their hands clean.
I believe you are right.
This broad cast, plus the public hearing of Australia's Royal Commission later this month into Watchtowers child molesting issues (July 27), coupled with the negative public attention already out there from the Conti and Lopez cases, and the recent UK High Court judgement, all cases lost by Watchtower, has got the GB in self-defense mode.
They are trying to stave off any more damage by attempting to get in front of these two broadcasts that will expose their child molesting policies, but it's too late. Anthony Morris, by making an announcement in the JW TV broadcast, is simply informing Jehovah's Witnesses who were previously unaware of the problem.
They have boxed themselves into a corner. They can't keep quite any longer because public attention is growing and demands a response, but they can't speak out without exposing themselves to their members, plus any public statements they make will be nothing more than lame excuses, which will draw even more criticism and scrutiny to Watchtower.
The Governing Body is right where it deserves to be on this - between a rock and a hard place !!!
More on the Royal Commission investigation July 27...