So after being deleted because of my comment on her Instagram post by my sister-in-law I got a text from her stating she didn't want a debate on Instagram and the scripture I posted would not apply to satan, they are worried about me, go see elders, return to Jehovah, or else you won't get life, etc etc...
I'm ready to respond with the following reply:
so....hit send? Make changes? Delete it all?
"Your reaction in deleting the post and me is a sure sign that your beliefs are as fragile as a house of cards. Makes perfect sense because you don't hold to any of your own beliefs or convictions you only believe what the watchtower corporation dictates what you must believe. Truth will always stand up to scrutiny if it indeed is truth. Lies can only stand if the truth isn't allowed to be revealed. I am vastly more intelligent than any elder who's only qualification is to have that title is to put the correct amount of numbers on a time slip every month. No schooling, no advanced education, no degrees.
And I don't need 7 old buffoons that live in New York that I have never met to dictate my entire belief system. If I insisted that the world conform to my beliefs you would call me mentally ill but at the same time 7 million JW"s happily comply with the governing buffoons dictates.
I will make a prediction that you and I both will live out our lives never seeing the result of anything the WT has ever taught. 100% guarantee.That's more accurate than the drivel tight pants Tony Morris has said in the past couple days. Nothing the WT has ever predicted has ever happened. I'm not attacking you personally, I too have love for you guys, but please don't take liberties with me that you would never dare do in service and tell someone they should listen to you and do what you say, become a JW or die. You don't do that to strangers because you know how highly offensive that would be so don't do it to me.
My baptism as JW was invalid because I didn't do it according to their rules.I erred when I was baptized at 16. I was told I wasn't qualified to be baptized as a JW by the last elder who went thru questions with me, I didn't say a prayer of dedication, and I didn't verbally answer the two questions because I knew it would be a lie to answer them with a yes. I only went ahead and did it to avoid embarrassment. I was a stupid 16 year old kid, I caved into peer pressure from moronic (name deleted) who had me convinced I would die at Armageddon if I wasn't baptized at that age. More guilt and fear that is a learned behavior just like the wt loves to use against its members to motivate them to do as they say.
You should be happy that I have a peaceful state of mind now. Away from the fear mongering and guilt tripping your subjecting yourself to for 3 days. I'm happy because of it. If I told that fact to a mental health professional I wouldn't hear any debate about it like I would from a JW who has mental illness from the mind control they are subjected to. I have become immune and very aware of mind control in use. I will never be victimized by it again.
I am confident you will read this thru and quickly dismiss all of it as a rant from someone who desperately needs help. That's part of your narcissistic personality disorder from a lifetime of hearing your right and everyone else is wrong about your beliefs. Understandable. I'm not worried about myself you admitted you are. Probably in turmoil like my mother. That mindset will continue with you because of where you get your information. I'm just fine your not. Allow yourself to learn TTATT and set yourself free.
By the way, did you just notice that Geoffrey Jackson just admitted to the world that Jehovah is not really gods name? After telling the world and all its members for over 100 years it is? Wow! It's understandable that they are going to stick with it anyhow because it would be too costly to reincorporate as Yahweh Witnesses. I suppose they need to conserve as much dough as possible so more is available for all the pedophile lawsuits they are losing which is costing millions. Make sure you put money in those boxes to help them protect more pedophiles."