The "Final solution" Watchtower style.

by Norm 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Don't spose the army took lessons from the OT when they were in Viet Nam? Seems the best way to liberate a village from Communism was to burn it to the ground and annialate everyone. Sure saved there poor asses!

    some things never change


  • Tina

    Atrocities did happen in Nam,(as in all wars) and I'n not making any excuses but it wasn't the norm......Danny was reading this over my shoulder and got a bit upset......(he's a Vietnam vet 2 tdy's) Tina

  • VPEACE53

    sorry I did not mean to yell nor did I realize I was yelling.I just wanted to coment on what I read you see this is all new to me.
    I am one of JWs and I have been inactive for over five yrs now but I am still in good standing.

  • Tina

    hi vpeace and welcome,
    Just a note here,you cant be inactive for many yrs and still be 'in good standing',,,it makes no sense,,,,anyway cheers,Tina

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