Excuse me - we CHOOSE to be depressed. I don't think so.
For many depression is a natural result of abuse. I didn't choose to be depressed just like I didn't choose to be born into a family that would abuse me. I have always been a very positive person. That doesn't stop abuse just like it won't stop depression
For others depression is a neurochemical imbalance that is NOT in their control. There are natural responses to life that can bring on depression - like a parent dying or the loss of a job.
And yes I found a way out of it but it was damned hard work. And I never would have been depressed if I hadn't been abused.
This is just another version of "Blame the Victim" I'm fed up with it and hate it. People choosing to be depressed or abused is such a pile of crap.
Well that blows my pressure valve for the day
Edited by - Lady Lee on 16 September 2002 17:1:56