Mike Musto - Fashionista Scrutiny Required

by Stephanus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    Mike, I've posted the following pic in other threads, but thought it is such an outstanding example of the true fashion sense of the Governing Body, that I should post it separately for you to cast your professional eye over it:

    Why do you think there is such a difference between what the GB (and their special friends) can wear, and what the rest of the JW mere mortals are authorised to don in their work for the Kingdom?

    Edited by - Stephanus on 16 September 2002 16:43:28

  • MikeMusto


    Your question is certainly one that deserves pondering. Many times you can see

    some attempt to pull this look off at district conventions. Maybe they think if they dress

    like this others will think they are missionaries..and they will get special attention. I see that

    GB Henschel is wearing pants. Perhaps he is trying to hide shortcomings in Africa. Maybe thats why

    he is wearing a hat..to draw attention away form certain areas...I could only applaud mr Henschel

    if he wore that in the States..and kept it as his signature look. like Pee wee Herman and his suit.

    Unfortunately, it looks like Mr. Henshel was a victim of Peer Pressure. This is a prime example

    of the gb attitude...what cool at one time...is not cool at another..and all brothers are banned on

    thinking its cool again...so this garb is just like smoking...and i think the gb are smoking sometime too

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Question for Mike: The chap on the left is not wearing sox. I would have thought that it would only be acceptable to wear shoes without sox if the shoes were open toe or open heel, or some type of casual shoe, not a dress shoe. Is this dress shoe with no sox style acceptable today? I find nothing else in this illustration offensive, just the not sox thing.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Like i said before.

    These guys pants were the other way around before they went into the hut to pray. When they came out...presto! switcheroo with the pants.

  • Satanus

    Henschey boy's large shirt matches the dark bro's pants. I would conclude that dark bro gave henschey boy the shirt off his back. If he would have given him the pants off his butt as well, then at least henschey boy would have a matching suit.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Either way, the loopy patterned fabric looks like curtains from the 60's...not that I can remember


  • MikeMusto

    You are correct in being offended. Sox should always be worn with dress shoes. Maybe

    they are posing for a Holloween picture, and they decided to dress as Crocket and Tubbs--Miami Vice

    in Africa. I can bet this guy had stinky feet..Maybe thats why Iman left Africa becuase of all the

    stinky feet..

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I find it interesting that the pattern on the fabric is locks, chains, and keys. Subliminal message, perhaps?

    Country Girl

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Country Girl, you are very observant, I missed that. Better then bowls of fruit which was the rave for wall paper patterns in them days.

    The sox and dress shoes still upsets me. I find it sloppy and not suitable attire befitting a christian.

    The WT artwork and illustrations department has a lot to answer for. I shall write to the WT and ask them to subcontract Mike Musto for all wardrobe co-ordination in the future.


  • Stephanus

    I note that Milton's friend's shoes are way too big - do you think he is wearing Milton's?

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