Lawrence Hughes Class Action Website

by Simon 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    ... is now up:

    Pretty simple for the time being but no doubt it will change and develop over time.

    I will do a banner ad to link to it and would encourage anyone who can publicise it to do so. Feel free to copy the banner when it is posted on here.

  • scumrat

    Thanks Simon

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hi Simon

    Can you fill me in & let me know who Larence Hughes is? Sorry, I guess I'm not so up to date as I thought.



  • obiefernandez

    The width of the table containing the site text is exceedingly large. The website designer should consider letting it resize to a percentage of the width of the screen instead of forcing it to a defined pixel width.

    My 2 cents. Other than that I am excited about the prospects of this class-action lawsuit proceeding.


  • Simon

    Thanks obie ... should be ok now

  • Crystal

    It is important to know that you are not along and we want to help!

    Please change 'along' to alone.

  • RunningMan

    Let the games begin.

    For decades, the society has been abusing people with impunity. Thanks to the internet, these victims can finally organize, and maybe right a few wrongs.

    The incompetence of the leadership is finally reaping what they have sown.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    yes the site is too wide i don,t know how to bring it into the screen??????????BUT THE CONTEXT IS GREAT... if you think the silent lambs are pissed ....larry is smokin<<<< the wt keeps playing with peoples human it,s time for the wt to pay the piper!!!!!! class action suits sound damaging.$$$$$$$$ it will be easy for some top shelve lawyers to BANG THE WT IN COURT!!!! THERE WILL BE NO SHORTAGE OF WITNESSES. ok!!!here,s a prophecy it will be like the nurenburg trails......the wt will fall just like the nazis they will truely become an underground org......HANG ON TO YOUR HAT'S IT,S GOING TO GET CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!IT,S JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!!!!!!! JOHN

  • Larry

    Lovely - I can't wait to add my name to the list. This is what caught my eye:

  • You have been shunned.
  • You have been disfellowshipped or disassociated by them.
  • If you believe that your basic human rights and freedoms have been withheld or interfered with.
  • Looks like the BORG will have to re-write their history books again b/c they didn't figure the internet would trigger their down fall.

    Peace - LL

    Edited by - Larry on 16 September 2002 18:45:15

  • jws

    Not sure how to feel about all of this.

    Here in the US, I've always believed in the freedom of people to practice their religion, and also in a religion to practice as it wishes.

    While I certainly agree that the criminal behavior needs to stop and policies need to change, doesn't a lot of this stuff fall under their right as a religion?

    If they feel the need to have a policy of disfellowshipping, isn't that their right? Sure it affects people. Doesn't every religion have consequences? Are religions requiring tithing to be sued for financial burdens on members? Are pork sausage makers to sue the Jewish religion for loss of business?

    Doesn't a religion have the right to interpret the Bible/Koran/Torah/<anything else> as they see fit and create a religion with practices that they interpret to be in sync with their own holy book? What right does the government have to say "you can't believe that, you must do it this way"? What if one of them is actually following what God wants? Are our governements supposed to overrule God? And who's to say whether they are or aren't doing it God's way? That's not for the governments or courts to decide. That's what religious freedom in this country is all about. Back in the middle ages, we had the governments enforcing a state religion. Hopefully we've gotten away from that.

    What's to happen next? Sue every church because they all preach against sin in one form or another? Which, in turn may make somebody out there feel guilty over something they've done. Maybe they'll even commit suicide over it? This is not unique to JWs. Force them all to avoid the issue of sinning to their followers? And what about when the courts start to say religion cannot mention Jesus or Allah or Jehovah? Or that holy books are banned? Is that OK too?

    I don't care if a government decides to take prayer out of schools or the phrase "one nation under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance. But when government or the courts start to try to change a religion's beliefs, I have a problem with that, no matter who the religion is.

    At least in this country, religion is a choice and you're free to either practice it, switch to a new one, or give it up altogether. As much of the blame for any offense goes with people who follow the religion. There are JWs who talk to disfellowshipped friends and family and do not shun them. Everything is a personal choice. If the JW religion is so bad, every one of them has the choice of leaving.

    As an ex-JW, I disagree with a lot of their teachings. I've come to see how manmade they are. I know how the whims and changing policies can deeply affect lives. My own mother may have lost her life due to their policies. But it's what they and their followers believe in. I believe they have that right to believe as they wish. And I believe they have the right to make up thier rules. Any member can always leave and I'm all in favor of helping get as many out as possible.

    That said, when it comes to criminal behavior, I do agree that a church (any church) needs to do what's right. When a crime has been reported, they should take it to the authorities. And I also believe that a church should not have the right to engage in criminal behavior (ie, let's say the church decided it should kill all non-believers). But other than that, I'd give a religion the freedom to practice it's beliefs.

    Enough with all the "I'm a victim" frivilous lawsuits.


    Edited by - jws on 16 September 2002 18:55:37

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