I joined this site 13 years ago...

by Funchback 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Funchback

    Hello, everyone.

    As noted in the topic, I joined here 13 years ago. I last posted here over 5 years ago. I just now learned that this site still exists!

    I remember the first time back in 2002 when I started reading all the posts of people who were having the same doubts, insecurities and questions as me. I was scared to death to come here but I couldn't resist.

    Anyway, 13 years later, all those years spent as a JW are now a mere blip in the radar for me but it took quite a long time to get here. Still, I know it's a different road for everyone. So, all the best to all of you who are now going through what I have also gone through.


  • FayeDunaway
    Nice message. Thanks funchback!
  • CalebInFloroda
    Nice to meet you, Brian. Glad you are here!
  • JWdaughter
  • Heaven

    Hi Brian... thanks for posting.

    In looking back, is there any advice you can share with the newcomers to this site?

  • umbertoecho

    Ditto to what Heaven asked. Is there any advice you could share? Also, is there any chance that you could share some of your; story again.?

    I've only been here a year. Mainly, it was to find information and to see how others coped with their disillusionment. Then I found out it was a good site for news regarding the WT and often it came out before the witnesses in my area had any idea of change......etc

    I am interested in the stories of other people, why they left, how they felt, what made them see things differently..........

  • cofty
    Hi Funchback
  • neverendingjourney

    I can relate to your story.

    I began waking up in the summer of 2003.

    I became inactive in the summer of 2005.

    I found this site in 2007 and have never looked back.

    I still keep in regular contact with my Witness family or else JW-related thoughts would rarely cross my mind, but it was a long road getting there.

    I was borderline suicidal when I realized this religion wasn't "the truth." As of 2 or 3 years ago I kept my JW past hidden from people. I speak about it freely now and the fear, shame and additional baggage is almost completely gone.

    For people who are just awakening and feeling lost, there's hope out there. Things will eventually get better.

  • Funchback

    Sure, I'll share. In a few minutes I'll post a new thread!

  • whathappened
    Welcome back! You have missed out on a great deal. I will watch for your posts.

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