I'm kind of curious what the guys and the ladies on this board have to say on this topic.
What is romantic love supposed to feel like?
by Duplicate_Account 11 Replies latest social relationships
Truly deep romantic love feels like it is beyond all honor and reason. You cannot resist it... it compels you to be with the person no matter the consequences.
It is the happiest and most intense and fulfilling experience one can have.
To me romantic love, is wanting to completly share yourself with the other person, when you kiss them, your whole body feels electrified, when they hold your hand you feel so comfortable, they feel like home and they complete you....
There are as many answers to this question as there are people, and no-one can tell you what love truly feels like.
The only way to know is to experience it!
Sometimes it feels like you've just stepped off the edge of a cliff, and at other times it feels like you're suspended over the Marianas Trench with a snorkel and flippers. It is the unknown, and that is what makes it beautiful, really.
Plus, it can be terribly exciting! Exciting enough to make you do little backflips and stuff on your desk!
Edited by - SYN on 16 September 2002 19:4:15
To me romantic love is being with the person that knows you better than anyone else. The one person you can truly be yourself around.
It just feels.... comfortable.
I'm kinda sad that you don't know what it feels like.
Romantic love and True love are both very different, they can both exist without the other...however...if you're really lucky, they can came together at the same time with the same person.
It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
A spike right through the centre of your head..LOL...OUTLAW
Romantic love means.......foreplay starts when you wake up. Its how you treat your loved one each and every moment of the day. Its a smile, a flower, a hug. It is how you interact with one another on a positive level, how you solve differences, how you care for each others each and every need. It is intimacy on every level, not just a sexual one.
just my $.02