why have Democrates created so much evil?
That's an appropriate topic of conversation. (Start a thread on that, if you care to) But your question implies that you agree that both parties have created evil. Do you agree to that? If so, we should address such evils. The way our system works now, we always have to choose the lesser of two evils. Why?
What are your thoughts on renewable energy for example? Would you like to see the United States move away from a dependence on foreign oil, or even any oil? Oil is not a renewable resource (well, it takes millions of years) and it does not burn efficiently.This topic will affect the lives and health of your grandchildren, etc. Don't you think it is really terrible to give them problems rather than solutions?
Did you know that methanol can be isolated from plant material and burns very cleanly? Why are we not trying to implement technologies that are already at our disposal? Right now, most of our chemicals are isolated guessed it, oil.
Eventually, oil companies will be forced to diversify their energy portfolio. If not, they will be left with no product to sell. Why aren't they starting now?
Yeah right, important social issues, like getting money for sitting at home. Yep, really important.
I get e-mails almost every day (those pesky bastards!) offering me to make thousands of dollars without leaving home. It does seem that people want to make more money for less work nowadays.
But I don't doubt that you agree that there is an important social issue behind your comments. Okay, perhaps the solutions to date have been totally wrong. But play ball here, man. I am sure you have ideas about what could be better.
Everyone seems to know that our economy is better off without a huge gap between rich and poor. But we continue to behave as if we didn't know. It's not as if we don't care, but we don't see any practical solutions. I agree, money could be better spent. And the goal should be to get more people employed and well-fed.
Have you ever been on leave because of a work-related injury?
People are abusing worker's compensation all the time...but I don't think that it makes sense to end it. How do we ensure that we are protected if we have a legitimate illness or injury? Isn't that important to you?
Okay, now I get off my soap box. I am sounding like a deng-blasted JW out in field service. Haha