Unfortunetly, buying alcohol is not illegal. So it doesn't matter how much and how often she buys it. She can be a total drunk 24/7 as long as the kids aren't there and the courts will care less. A lot of this comes down to my word against hers and the TASC evaluation that I have asked to be given to her. Surprisingly, there are a few confessions in her declaration which may help me out as well. Here are a couple:
"On Feb 12th, I did go to Flaming Geyser State Park by myself. In that 8 hour period, I had consumed 3 Zima's. I sat in the park and did a lot of thinking about my life with Apostate Man. I did drink too much that day. I arrived home about 4 pm and had a few more. Apostate Man came home at about 11 pm and I had a drink in my hand..."
"Apostate man came home early and we talked. I had showed him where I hid the alcohol, which was behind a shelf in the kids desk, to show him that I was going to work through "this problem"."
"My comment on Apostate Man's comment - "March 26th, I found a six pack of liquor in the childrens arts and crafts box", I hid it there because I felt I could not have a single drink."
"In September 2001, I had taken the kids through McDonalds. I then purchased one Zima and went to the XXXX Airport, about a mile away from home, to sit and watch the airplanes while we ate. When we were done, I opened the Zima and poured it into my McDonalds cup (yes I realize this is wrong; but I wasn't able to finish the Zima while at the airport. I poured it in the cup in order to take the Zima home where I could finish it). On the way out of the parking lot, I had turned a corner and the cup tipped. Just a few months ago, Apostate Man took the kids to McDonalds and the same thing happened to him with his pop. It was then that XXXXX(my daughter) had told him about the incident. He then approached me and I told him the truth."
So, we will see what happens. It doesn't look to good right now for me but my fingers are crossed.