According to Metatron's post the BORG has an article entitled
"Why Should I Apologize?"
Could someone scan the cover of this article (Nov. 02 WT). I don't believe the BORG would publish such an apropos subject. Are they kidding? If that's not the pot calling the kettle black. I think this is an article I'll be quoting from often. Is this some reverse psychology? What is next? An article entitled 'Why Should I Engage In Independent Thinking?.' They got some freaking nerve 'Why Should I Apologize?' Give me a break!
They said "Why Should I Apologize", not "Why Should WE Apologize". Subtle, but important distinction.
An apology from the Governing Body? You'll get one of those immediately after the porcine aviators wing their way out of the frozen depths of Hell, my friend!