Life After Armageddon

by CoolBreeze 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • CoolBreeze

    This was one of many aspects of my studies that gave me real problem. I figured out that there was no way I was going to be in any %0.01 survivor group. And if I was; all those rules and restrictions wouldn't really make it a paradise on earth for me. After all, if you are one of this hypothetical %0.01 you were probably a pioneer or missionary, and your entire life was spent spreading the TRUTH door to door. You know the kind...40-50 hours of field service each and every week. More miles on their minivan than anyone in the car group. Goes through more pairs of shoes than anyone in the cong.

    Now think about it....the only people left alive on earth are these people and a few elders. None of them has ever held a real job (If they did, they wouldn't have had the time to put in the preaching work required to get to paradise). So now no one has any real skill except the preaching work, and shepherding the flock.

    All the productive workforce in the world will have been wiped out.
    The Whore of Babylon will have been slain...gone will be the teats that have nourished the faithful JW for so long....gone will be security..the helping hands of brothers not quite faithful enough to be part of the great crowd. Will Jehovah send down angels to teach these single minded automatons how to support themselves?

    I don't know about you folks that doesn't sound like the kind of paradise I'd fit into. I like the idea that we all gotta shot at heaven. Just follow the golden rule. Try to uplift others thereby elevating your self by their association. Realize that perfection is unattainable in this lifetime and perhaps something closer to it can be realized in the next. I believe the journey from this world to the next is infinite with possibilities and not a narrowly defined corridor the WTS would have us believe.

    Just my two drachma's worth


    Edited by - CoolBreeze on 25 March 2001 5:42:26

  • hippikon

    I Agree - My idea of paradise will have the Rolling Stones and Led Zeplin. Kingdom Melodies Suck!

  • Fredhall

    Life after Armaggedon will be great. There will be no:

    1. Apostates
    2. False Religion
    3. Corrupt Governments
    4. Adamic Death
    5. Sickness
    6. TR Guitar
    7. Wicked People
    8. Pollution
    9. Apostate Materials
    10. Racism

  • waiting

    hey fred,

    A couple of questions? Will you have:

    1. electricity - totally non-poluting.

    2. old tractors (like in some of the pictures).

    3. power tools to help with the tremendous clean up - totally non-polluting.

    4. if survivors are all cleaning up - who builds, farms, sews all clothes, makes dishes, cooking utensils, books, equipment, etc? Will there be factories - totally non-polutting.

    5. we were taught that God would somehow zap all the dead bodies quickly (due to massive threat of pollution & germs). Will he do the same to all the animals that are killed (falling buildings etc.)?

    6. How will we dispose of all the skyscrapers in the major cities? The highways? Horse and buggies just ain't gonna get it.

    7. How will we communicate with each other? Cell phones? Computers?

    8. How will the world's bombs be deprogrammed?

    9. Many, if not most of the survivors will be children or extremely old persons - they cannot help. So the total brunt of all this work is on the young/middle age jw survivors.

    10. Most of the above must be done with a short time period. Such as shelter, food, etc. Like within days, weeks. How to be accomplished?


  • trevor

    I'm with Fred -

    Cos whatever he's taking - I can't get stuff of that quality around here.
    In the new world you're gonna have to share it Fred !

  • expatbrit

    When I was a JW I would try to visualize life after armageddon. The society encourages this.

    A thousand years to turn Earth into a paradise! And convert the billions of resurrected!

    Trouble is, the more you think about it the more daft it becomes. No power, no running water, nothing that we take for granted in the "old system".

    I would consider my own congregation, and it's territory. Then try and imagine the 100 or so of us tearing up all the highway's and roads in our territory, or demolishing just one of the many 30 storey apartment buildings. Ridiculous!

    Finally, you have to fall back on the old saw: Jehovah will take care of it. A great all purpose thought-saver, that.


    p.s. imagine this: "Brother Brave will now clean up that nuclear power station with this bottle of divinely provided anti-manna. Sisters, you may like to step back, so you don't get dust on your pretty floral dresses....."

    Edited by - expatbrit on 25 March 2001 10:35:32

  • patio34

    Dear Waiting,
    Well, of course, we don't know all these answers (and about the tractors--how on earth does one get gasoline without big oil drills and refineries?), becasue God is going to do so many miracles as he did in the past. such as flooding the earth (that doesn't make sense); parting the Red Sea (that doesn't hold water!); and how all these tales seem to be pre-written in other cultures. We, of the "non-imaginative" class, can't figure it all out!
    Btw, did anyone ever read "Lucifer's Hammer" by Larry Nivens? It's a story about a giant meteor wiping out civilization and what the survivors have to do. Also, the BOOK--not the crummny movie--"The Postman" by David Bruin is of the genre and really a thought-provoker as to whether it's not right to fight to protect one's family and community.
    Have a great day!

  • Gianluca


    Whenever i saw WTS drawings of "paradise" and noticed that the people in them were wearing modern western style clothes, i always wondered where the clothes would come from....factories??
    Maybe the GB will ask God to spare some nasty apostates so they will have some slave labour....


  • Fredhall

    hey waiting,

    I think all the women will do the dirty work. And all the men will not do nothing.

  • ozziepost

    Sir Fred,

    Spoken like a true Rutherfordite!


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