They're on my campus!

by Ephanyminitas 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    LOL! @ Scumrat.

    ME TOO!!! (very funny)

  • Ephanyminitas

    Thanks everyone for the great (and hilarious) replies. To "imanaliento": Not a bad idea. It so happens that there is a Freethinkers Union on campus that I'm investigating. It'd be a great job to join and set up a table near the Dubs' table. And Scumrat ... don't tempt me ...

  • Quotes

    jschwehm, excellent work!

    You might not have heard from young Bro. Pioneer, but I'll bet you planted a seed of critical thinking which will blossom into a mighty tree of healthy skepticism and logical analysis.

    As for the others: they sound dim-witted enough to require being institutionalized. Or be part of the WT institution. Either way.

  • rocky220

    LMAO @ Outlaw.......rocky220 [and i work in a College!]

  • jst_me

    They set up weekly on campus at Florida State too....what is even freakier is that they set up at the Tallahassee Flea Market. What's up with that?

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