WBTS/UN verification info needed URGENT

by LDH 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Rcvd this in email....my brother forwarded it to me. Does anyone have the 1990 Awake Bound Volumes....can you check pls.

    I smell Library Cards...

    Did you know that Israelis operated an "orphanage" in Guatemala
    for the raising of organs for wealthy people getting the operations in
    Israel. When
    children escaped and the truth became known vast money suppressed the
    story, but the UN still
    managed to report it and it made just one magazine, Awake, the
    publication of the
    Jehovahs Witnesses (who are non political and only put it in their
    magazine to show how evil
    the entire world system is etc. and how we need to die to self and
    to the will of
    Jehovah etc. -- they had no ax to grind -- in fact the Jehovahs
    Witnesses and the Jews get
    along quite well, since Jews and JWs shared the Nazi concentration camp
    experience during WWII.)
    ANyway the children were raised in the jungle and when the need and the
    money were there the organs would be harvested -- like buying freshly
    killed Chickens
    at a CHinese market.

    The UN made this announcement in 1990, until big Jewish money forced a
    retraction -- and get this retraction: they said that the Guatemalain
    Indian children were being raised in that
    jungle camp "for adoption" by Jewish families in Israel ---

    Does anyone want more details on this. My daughter has been a
    Guatemala every summer for 6 years -- in fact she was in the aIr
    home on September 11, 2001 -- an anxious moment -- but the death
    orphanage is a well established fact -- regardless of the fantastic
    impossible absurd retractions that money can buy.

    (Btw, if you know a Jehovahs Witness (or if you are a backslidden
    Witness (shame on you for doign politics in the world system!) ask
    for the 1990 volume of the AWAKE magazine -- where they have both the
    reference of the UN agency finding of the organ-factory orphanage, and
    very transparent coverup "retraction" -- (the AWAKE is a very good
    for anyone -- the most sane publication on earth, i would say --
    just reported the event and the retraction -- it was I who read
    lines that the retraction was merely formal and not sincere.

    I will hold off on giving the email address that was forwarded to him, for now.

    I'd really like to see some rationalization for this email, or be able to dismiss her as a nut-job.


  • LDH


    Rcvd phone call/email from Dungbeetle ((((((((Dung))))))))))

    Horrifying Organ Source Awake! has unfortunately repeated a groundless rumor, which is quite understandable given the fact that it appears as if the European Parliament had given its imprimatur to these reports. These rumors have done damage to the humanitarian cause of adoption.

    T. L., U.S. Information Agency, United States

    The March 22, 1989, "Awake!" item entitled "Horrifying Organ Source" was based on a resolution published by the European Parliament, a credible organization. However, that organization now claims that it was the victim of misinformation. "Awake!" has since investigated matters and learned that while there were several well-publicized arrests in Guatemala for child trafficking back in 1987, there is no proof that children were being sold for organ transplants. Instead, the original reports state that babies were being obtained and sold illegally for the purpose of adoption.-ED.

    Apparently, this is one of the few retractions ever printed by the WBTS.


    Can we get any more info on this? it is the first I've ever heard of it. Apparently, Jehovah had fallen off the celestial chariot when this was printed.

    He has since picked himself up and dusted off.


  • deddaisy

    why would've only the AWAKE printed this ?

  • Wolfgirl

    I really hope that English is not the first language of whomever wrote that first email. If so, they need some grammar lessons, quick!

  • Satanus

    Both are accurate quotes from the awake. Here they are from the 97 cd:

    *** g89 3/22 29 Watching the World ***

    Watching the World


    Organ Source

    Early in 1988 a not-much-publicized discovery was made at Santa Caterina Pinula, Guatemala. There, according to a resolution of the European Parliament, local authorities found a "casa de engorde," or "fattening center," where newborn babies purchased for as little as $20 (U.S.) were sold to American or Israeli families for $75,000. The purpose? So that the families purchasing them could use the infants organs for their own children who were in need of organ transplants, said the resolution. It also states that in 1987 a similar "fattening center" was found in Honduras "near to which the bodies of many children were found, some of them new-born babies, from which one or more organs had been removed." Another was found in Guatemala City "whose register indicated the sale abroad . . . of 170 babies, the major part of which were sent to the United States for the removal of organs." The Parliaments resolution has been issued to various agencies and governments, calling for appropriate action to be taken

    against those responsible for this horrible practice.


    for Sale

    Would you sell one of your healthy kidneys for money? A West German company that markets human organs for transplants has offered to pay $45,000 (U.S.) to anyone willing to make such a donation. As a result, a company spokesman said, they were "drowning in offers." People viewing this as a get-rich-quick opportunity provide an abundant organ source for companies dealing in the sale of human tissue. Unlike the illegal organ trafficking practiced in the Third World, "would-be organ brokers are operating openly (and legally) in West Germany," notes the report in

    Newsweek magazine. The companys charge for such organs: $85,000.

    *** g90 2/8 30 From Our Readers ***

    Mr. and Mrs. J. P. M., United States


    Organ Source Awake! has unfortunately repeated a groundless rumor, which is quite understandable given the fact that it appears as if the European Parliament had given its imprimatur to these reports. These rumors have done damage to the humanitarian cause of adoption.

    T. L., U.S. Information Agency, United States


    March 22, 1989, "Awake! " item entitled "Horrifying Organ Source" was based on

    a resolution published by the European Parliament, a credible organization.

    However, that organization now claims that it was the victim of misinformation.

    "Awake!" has since investigated matters and learned that while there were several

    well-publicized arrests in Guatemala for child trafficking back in 1987, there is no

    proof that children were being sold for organ transplants. Instead, the original

    reports state that babies were being obtained and sold illegally for the purpose of adoption. ED.

    Edited by - saintsatan on 18 September 2002 4:55:41

  • Satanus

    I found this. Will try to find more. It's at the bottom of the page.



    Cerigua Weekly Briefs

    From: Michael Blackmore 

    Attorney General To Investigate Illegal Adoptions

    Guatemala, January 13. The Ombudsman for Minors of the
    Attorney General's Office announced an investigation into
    international adoptions and organ trafficking, following the
    discovery of twelve illegal "nursery-homes" being used to
    care for infants about to be sold. Guillermo Carranza said
    his office would examine the role that Guatemalan lawyers
    play in arranging illegal adoptions, in which infants are
    sold for $10-15,000 to willing U.S. and Canadian parents. He
    also alluded to a possible link in international organ
    trafficking, but did not elaborate. Guatemala is one of the
    primary "exporters of children," he said.

    Edited by - saintsatan on 18 September 2002 5:34:34

  • Satanus

    From http://www.heureka.clara.net/gaia/x-trans.htm

    A trade in organs already exists. In South and Central America there are human factory farms. Woman are used as incubators, often serving a dual function as prostitutes. Their children are taken away and fattened up. When a suitable size they are killed and their organs used for transplants. The poor and illiterate are often duped into unnecessary operations. Unbeknown to them their organs are stolen. The trade in children is a multi-million dollar industry in Guatemala. Babies are stolen from street children and put on the market. A similar trade in body parts exists in Albania, now opened up to the full advantages of unfettered capitalism. Pregnant women returning from a stint as prostitutes in Italy have their babies stolen. Large numbers of babies are kidnapped and disappear. They are either sold for adoption or killed and dissected for their body parts. Cats gorge themselves sick on discarded parts in maternity wards. It is not uncommon to find dissected bodies of babies discarded on rubbish dumps. The market for body parts in the US is an estimated $6 billion per year.

  • Satanus

    This from a chomsky speech at http://www.freedomdomain.com/neworder/chomsky01.html

    Well, a few weeks after this report on the extraordinarily
    positive relations with the Mexican tyranny, a leading journal
    in Mexico published an article reporting on a conference in
    Mexico -- a conference on international traffic of children,
    minors -- the report quotes a leading researcher at the National
    University, the autonomous university in Mexico, from the institute
    for law research, who writes: every year, twenty thousand Mexican
    children are sent illegally to the United States for organ
    transplants or for sexual exploitation, or for various experimental
    tests. The conference report also quotes a report of the United
    Nations saying that over a million children a year suffer from
    slavery, forced participation in criminal acts, prostitution,
    organ transplant sales to rich countries. Well, is any of this
    true? The answer to that is: Nobody really knows, and more
    importantly, nobody cares -- at least nobody important cares.

  • Satanus

    The UN/european parliament/89 awake could have been right. Capital and pressure from the right wing could have reached the wt.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 18 September 2002 5:29:57

  • Satanus

    Here is a UN article from http://eurochild.gla.ac.uk/Documents/UN/Sexual_Exploitation/Sale0fChildren/ECN4-1996-100.htm

    Here are a couple of quotes. It appears even the un is tip toeing around this subject. Notice the part i bolded and reded.

    43. Various allegations concerning the sale of children for organ transplantation were sent by NGOs and individuals.

    41. The sale of organs for purposes of organ transplantation is a very sensitive issue that should be addressed with a great deal of prudence as it can cause unwarranted alarm.

    Edited by - saintsatan on 18 September 2002 5:51:59

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