Rcvd this in email....my brother forwarded it to me. Does anyone have the 1990 Awake Bound Volumes....can you check pls.
I smell Library Cards...
Did you know that Israelis operated an "orphanage" in Guatemala
for the raising of organs for wealthy people getting the operations in
Israel. When
children escaped and the truth became known vast money suppressed the
story, but the UN still
managed to report it and it made just one magazine, Awake, the
publication of the
Jehovahs Witnesses (who are non political and only put it in their
magazine to show how evil
the entire world system is etc. and how we need to die to self and
to the will of
Jehovah etc. -- they had no ax to grind -- in fact the Jehovahs
Witnesses and the Jews get
along quite well, since Jews and JWs shared the Nazi concentration camp
experience during WWII.)
ANyway the children were raised in the jungle and when the need and the
money were there the organs would be harvested -- like buying freshly
killed Chickens
at a CHinese market.
The UN made this announcement in 1990, until big Jewish money forced a
retraction -- and get this retraction: they said that the Guatemalain
Indian children were being raised in that
jungle camp "for adoption" by Jewish families in Israel ---
Does anyone want more details on this. My daughter has been a
Guatemala every summer for 6 years -- in fact she was in the aIr
home on September 11, 2001 -- an anxious moment -- but the death
orphanage is a well established fact -- regardless of the fantastic
impossible absurd retractions that money can buy.
(Btw, if you know a Jehovahs Witness (or if you are a backslidden
Witness (shame on you for doign politics in the world system!) ask
for the 1990 volume of the AWAKE magazine -- where they have both the
reference of the UN agency finding of the organ-factory orphanage, and
very transparent coverup "retraction" -- (the AWAKE is a very good
for anyone -- the most sane publication on earth, i would say --
just reported the event and the retraction -- it was I who read
lines that the retraction was merely formal and not sincere.
I will hold off on giving the email address that was forwarded to him, for now.
I'd really like to see some rationalization for this email, or be able to dismiss her as a nut-job.