In over 4 decades, I have gotten to know a number of people in the organization.I have met Governing Body members, Very prominent Bethelites, CO's and DO's. I also have come to know countless elders.The majority of elders that I have known are not the brightest human beings on the planet. Most THOUGHT they knew it all. When you got to elder's meetings, you couldn't believe the dumb comments and ideas! Many times an elder would pontificate over a matter and then give a stupid brainstorm to the rest of the body. If the idea was bought by the body, then it was implemented.Many, many times, a decision had to be changed because it was either unscriptural or against the Society's direction.Many times, circuit overseers had to readjust a body of elders and then inform the congregation of the adjustment. I know of some Service Department heads that roll their eyes everytime certain congregations call or write in. The truth is too many elders are not that smart to begin with. Then they confer with other fellow dumb elders and get wrong information. And if an elder has a measure of intelligence, he doesn't stay around too long. He may, or they may, even come over here.
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Dumbest thing said to me at a JC.
I told them I was on Paxil (an antidepressant)
One elder asked if I was addicted to it.
Yes I was, I told him, if I wasn't on it now I would shoot you.
he he
The elder probably asked you this to see if you were a drug addict.
never thought of that minimus.
If he had asked that question..I would of said......HELL YES!..I am hooked on dub eze.........
...sorry it's the only thing I could come up with with the same number of letters as phonics. thread...what rhymes with hooked on phonics in dub ease?
I did spell check do you spell dub eze?????????
Where is Farkel to humiliate me?
William Penwell
What can you expect of untrained, window washer, toliet bowl cleaner, volunteers???
Dumb elders? Yeah.
I didn't think they were to smart to begin with. But they talked me into being one. I told them I didn't think I was qualified and was told that to refuse to be one when invited was a sin of omission.
So I said OK. Then is when I learned at the elder meetings and training assemblies that they were truly arrogant and ignorant beyond belief. One of them had, due to his arrogance lost all 6 of his children, as none would talk to him and his wife and one girl joined the Nazarene church just to piss him off.
Didn't take long until I wanted out of being an elder and you can't do that and still have a good standing.
Got a new job offer in another state and that was my chance to quit.
I know where you are coming from minimus .They can be dim witted at times but they would only call it over zealous .There is no shortage of elders pulling stuff out their ass in texas, happens all the time.You just have to see it for yourself to believe it .
The amount of stupid elders is over whelming,but then you come across the odd gem...OUTLAW
William Penwell
I recall one elder when I was a teenger and he would make his 2 daughters sit next to him and his wife in the meetings. They could not assocate with the other youths in the congregation and go to social functions like any other normal teen. Today neither of them want anything to do with the Jdubs. Yet this brother and his wife still put in pioneer hours etc. I really think they don't get it. They lost the chance of having a normal relationship with their children all over the religion.
In my old congregation there was this elder who was so sexist. I used to cringe during his talks when he'd try and raise a laugh about understanding women and "womens issues".
Of course he had his followers that would that would comply and yield an obligitory laugh whenever he cracked a sexist joke. They mainly consisted of wanna-be-elders and zombie-wives.
But for the most part he was very much out of order and came across like Bernard Manning at a convent!