Part of the problem in having a debate between Bible Literalist/Creationists and skeptic/science type folks is that we speak a different language and think in different patterns. For example, you CANNOT understand evolution or any branch of science by relying on "nutshell" versions based on short concise answers which wrap the whole thing up neatly. You can get a "nutshell" version of Christianity however, because the concepts are more simple. God is, He makes everything, angels and man rebel, death and suffering results, God's son sent as redeemer and he brings hope for end of suffering.
Christians are used to short concise explainations and they expect the same mind set from science. Unfortunately there is no such thing in science since the Universe is not seen as a revealed truth from a super being who gives us all the answers. In science we find the answers on our own through observing nature. This is a complex and time consuming adventure. To understand science you must devote a great deal of time and study in many special fields. It is obvious from the many replies from the pro Creationist camp that there is a severe lack of understanding when it comes to the scientific method and evolution. The most common argument I've seen against evolution (and science) is that it is just a faith based religion with its own agenda. This shows the depth of the misunderstanding about science prevailent in the Fundie religious community and the poor science curriculum in public schools which are limited by the school boards who are dominated by Fundies.
The pro science camp must argue against the strawman " Satanic/Atheistic science conspiracy" which the Fundies think they understand so we really never get to a discussion of the real evidences science provides. In short, we are on entirely different wave links which makes a good debate very difficult because one side has no idea about what they are arguing against. I was a Christian. I studied the Bible and its apologists so I understand the Creationist point of view as if it were my own because once it was my own. The vast majority of Creationists have NOT studied science and have no understanding of its principles. I don't say this as a debating trick or insult it is just the way it is. I challenge you to make a serious study of these subjects before you dismiss them so easily.
There is no anti God agenda in science. Science is not the study of invisible/silent super beings so it does not address the God problem at all in the same way English teachers do not try to explain Chinese grammer rules. Science has disproved much of the accuracy of the literal Bible because the Bible is a visible book which has a sequence of events laid out in the physical realm which can be studied and proven to be true or false but God cannot be studied in His present form. Science cannot prove God does or doesn't exist in the same way English can't prove that Chinese grammer is right or wrong. Besides the Bible, I am unaware of any proof for God's nature,character, or existance. If He exists then He has chosen to remain indetectable to us so His reality loses its importance in the same way that a distant alien race on a planet far away who have never communicated with us is "real" or unreal.
Edited by - Liberty on 25 September 2002 17:25:52
Edited by - Liberty on 25 September 2002 17:27:23
Edited by - Liberty on 25 September 2002 17:31:37
Edited by - Liberty on 25 September 2002 17:55:44