I just had a break-through!!! If that is the appropriate word for it.
I was walking towards the postal office, and I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings. And all of a sudden I stopped dead in my tracks, cause I was in collision course with another human being. So, I stopped, and altered course, when I recognized this woman.
Yes, your getting the point I'm sure, it was a sister, whom I knew very very well, from my old cong! My heart did NOT jump up, as it did when I was first DFd. I just smiled a brilliant smile, said hello and walked by. I am in admiration of the sisterly qualities by this sister though. Her face would have been the envy of top-poker players. She didn't flinch or anything, just looked straight through me, and kept on walking. Admirable quality for any JW.
Anyway, I only had to laugh about it. I am not hurt, depressed or anything! I am so proud of myself, I am immune to the shunning by surprise.
Hugs to you all,
Edited by - Vivamus on 18 September 2002 13:12:39