Losing their best--Getting rid of good elders

by VeniceIT 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • detective


    If they remove your "privledges" do they announce this to the congregation?

  • Elsewhere

    no, they don't mention it.

  • detective

    Thanks Elsewhere!

  • deddaisy
    Only the whack-jobs that make up these half-assed regulations, pedophiles, and those who protect them will be left on the inside. And then I will be free to hate them all...hahaha!

    my sentiments exactly ! and I can't bring myself to say "it's a shame that the WTS is so ignorant," because the fact is I'm glad that the WTS is stupid enough to sacrifice the good but dangerous ones ! Then maybe the decent will escape the nut factory !

  • Salud

    The problem in the organization is that their quality of leadership is starting to sink (and stink). Many who are leaving or at least stepping down were men that many in the cong. would go to for counsel and shepherding.

    I personally have two friends who are still JW's and who used to be elders. They were fine elders who took their responsibilties seriously and ones that many in the cong. looked up too. But now they do not serve because of the many issues plaguing the cong. They tell me of the problems with certain elders and their treatment of the congregations. They are disgusted with it. Problem is that there are more of these types (problem ones) left than there are those like my friends. The congregations are in for a long haul.

    Fortunately one of my friends has agreed to meet with me and another former high ranking elder who is considered an apostate next month, so very excited about that.

  • dannyboy

    How sad, but how typical.

    Silly/stupid things happen when common sense gets trampled on in the name of protecting the "group".


  • sister grace
    sister grace

    The only part i find sad about the org losing their best is that so often these people have given their lives up to something so wrong. they thought that the org would be their for them and if they followed Jah "as they said" their lives would be filled with love and happiness. But instead they find such meaness. i have seen this with people i love that is why i think this site is so good and helpful People can learn it's not something they have done wrong. Everyone keep up the good work

  • Gopher

    The thing that disturbed me the most was the supposed "reason" for all this discipline heaped on elder #1. The congregation tells you who your friends can and cannot be.

    Isn't reaching out to an "inactive" individual or couple the loving thing to do? Why does the congregation deem it necessary to monitor individual friendships like this?

    Now if a person acts way out of line, then I could see the congregation objecting. But having someone as a friend should not necessarily be inherently wrong.

    I guess if you don't belong to the proper "social circles" in the congregation (i.e., you don't please the elders' wives), you are in big trouble !!

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    (Perhaps they are blinded by that light that keeps getting brighter??)

    Yeah, all those quick 'bright' flashes will do it to you every time.. Kinda like getting your picture taken.. You cannot see afterwards :-)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think Berean is right. He is an elder with years of compassionate service to his credit, and members of the congregation might still seek him out, so his stature must be submitted to careful character assasination. Until the publishers not only don't look up to him but actually revile him.

    Refresh my memory - at which of the meetings do the elders study Machiavelli's "The Prince"?

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