Hi Folks,
Yes, it is the ORIGINAL Dustrabbit, Justin Greene...Just poppin' in to say hi. I'm busy at the the moment and don't have a computer yet. Gotta find Heaven..dang, she is a cutie.
the dustrabbit is a poppin' in...
by dustrabbit 10 Replies latest jw friends
Just poppin' in to say hi ... and don't have a computer yet.
Hey, Dustin' Justin, that's a better trick than the immaculate conception, being able to make a post without the use of a computer!
Hey Dustrabbit,
How have you been? and where have you been?
I remember you, just thought you would like to know that. It's been awhile since we've heard from you.
Welcome back Dustrabbit. I saw your message about the soon to be exwife. So ya gonna go chase that cute student of yours? The one that sent you the sexy picture??
Too bad you don't have internet access right now though. You missed that thead of pics that Heaven posted of herself skinny dipping.
Hey There DustRabbit !
I've missed you on here. Guess you have been out in that "bad world" livin life.
"A little Heaven is always nice, but a good Sentinel is even better".
well, howdy all....
flip; i go to this cafe near to my condo....cafe netherworld...they have net access.matty; i'm not just a jw.com superstar...i'm god of exJWsraw...
lb: god, i wished i could go after my former student...she is a hottie, as everyone who has been on exJWsRaw can testify...i admit: Chinese girls rule! but alas, she now has a bf. and i'm not ready for going back to china. only after i sell the screenplay and it's ready to go into filming (in china). do wanna send the pictures to me of heaven skinny dipping? send them to: [email protected]
by the way, is she married? (oh, heaven.....) oh anyways, lb, it looks like i'm hooking up with this cute co-ed from japan who stays with a friend of mine.
sentinel; it's always good to have somebody watch over me....j2bf; party on....and yes, i remember seeing your posts.
what happen to peppermint-n-incense? and nicole rodriguez (rodnico)?
taking off,
justin "the ORIGINAL dustrabbit" greene -
Oh dust Heaven is way married. I can't seem to recall her skinny dipping pics but I'll email you mine
lb: YOU skiny-dippin'? that might just send me into therapy.....
heh, I'm going out today with the co-ed cutie i was talkig about in my last post. God, i love this...here I was thinking I was going to be hung with the celibate rope, and..and..and..now I'm turning into this love machine...like girls/women aroud me are going ga-ga to hear that the dustbunny is getting divorce.....I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! I'm a NEW MAN!the dustrabbit
Hi guys. I thought my ears were ringing.....
Dustrabbit, I am married but thank you so much for the compliments. Sounds like all those cute coeds are keeping you plenty busy. Glad to hear you are enjoying your new found freedom.