WT Society Makes Light of Child Abuse Crimes by Portraying them as Cartoons

by flipper 49 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • flipper

    I commented on this on another thread- but I believe this has enough importance to create a thread about this situation in and of itself. At the current District Convention as you know the WT Society released a " Sophie & Caleb " video allegedly warning parents about the dangers of child abuse. They don't really USE the words " child abuse " in the video - but just say if " someone tries to touch you in a manner you aren't comfortable with " and portray it as a CARTOON !

    And the CARTOON portrayal is what has my blood boiling here. They portray the molester as some kind of a half ass blob that looks like the Tasmanian Devil from the Warner Brother cartoons. Then they show him reaching his hand out to the children in the video going " ohhgh,ahh " with his hand grabbing for them. I mean it's a freaking joke. It's like the JW children will think it's some kind of entertaining fictitious horror film that they can make light of and joke about. Get real GB ! Jesus.

    If the WT Society was REALLY serious about warning parents about the REAL dangers of crimes like child abuse they would use real humans as real actors in a REAL portrayal of what really happens when a pedophile or child molester threatens a child. A portrayal like that would be real where it would show the seriousness of the danger of REAL child abuse and portray it as the crime it is- not some half ass cartoon. Like threatening to do harm to the child's parents if the victim doesn't keep quiet- something that really happens- not a blob running around that threatens kids that looks like some kind of Jabba the hut . The WT Society is TOTALLY minimizing the REAL danger of criminal child abuse- almost making a joke out of it by showing it in cartoon form !

    I mean - think about it- here you have a billion $$$ organization that has had countless child abuse lawsuits brought against it and they've paid out millions $$$ in damages to JW child victims - and the best they can do is come up with a fictitious cartoon that portrays child molesters as the Tasmanian freaking Devil from Warner brothers ? I mean- young children will probably find it entertaining - but real adults should be appalled at the minimizing of such a serious crime in society and how it is being displayed here. It shows me that WT leaders look at child abuse as some kind of a joke as well- they don't take it seriously and to show it in animated form as they do is almost a slap in the face of ALL victims of child abuse.

    Now I am even MORE motivated to share News printouts of WT child abuse scandals with JW cart people in my hometown. WT leaders, these bastards need to have some REAL put into their reality. And so do their JW members. Spread the word. How do you feel about this ? Look forward to your comments

  • Oubliette

    Flipper, I hear your anger and understand it. That being said, it's not a bad thing to educate children to say "No!" to anything that makes them uncomfortable and to tell their parents about it.

    The thing that infuriates me about this is that ToMo's entire propaganda piece failed to acknowledge the problem with pedophiles INSIDE the organization and the fact that WT/JW policies, practices and culture provides a haven for them.

    His statement that victims "should never be discouraged from reporting the incident [abuse] to the appropriate authorities" sounds good to those not familiar with JW culture.

    The real question is this: Why aren't they ENCOURAGED to do so?

    Elders should NOT be involved in cases of real or even suspected child abuse. They should be mandated reporters and turn the issue over to people that are properly trained to deal with it.

  • flipper

    OUBLIETTE- I agree that it's important to educate children to " say " No ! " to anything that make them uncomfortable and to tell their parents about it " . Yes- I'm on the same page with you there. Bit I do not agree that using a cartoon format with blobby looking characters running around in fictitious settings in animated form does one bit of good in driving home the REALITY and DANGER of child abuse to either children OR adults. It minimizes or trivializes the dangers.

    Of course you and I both realize and know from having been long time JW's at one time that Anthony Morris and the rest of the GB aren't going to admit errors or mistakes they have made regarding ANY child abuse issues within the JW organization. These men just don't apologize or even ADMIT that there's a child abuse problem within the WT organization. Too much arrogance within them. They will never admit it. I mean Stephen Lett in May thought it was "crazy " that people accuse the WT Society of being " soft " on child abuse. He said, " Can you imagine that " ? These WT leaders will never admit fault - ever.

    I agree with you that elders should be required to be mandated reporters and turn these child abuse issues over to people that are properly trained to deal with it. That is what SHOULD happen. But it won't. Because the GB thinks it knows better than any " worldly " authority dealing with ANY problem. Too much arrogance, too much pride, and too many dark secrets to be revealed if they allow " worldly " authorities inside their good sized " pedophile protection " program and computer records that are kept under lock and key. That is what we are facing here with the WT leaders

  • fastJehu

    And the CARTOON portrayal is what has my blood boiling here. They portray the molester as some kind of a half ass blob that looks like the Tasmanian Devil from the Warner Brother cartoons.

    I thought yesterday the same.

    The crime statstic shows, that very much (I don't know the exact percentage) molesters are well known by the children. So I thought:

    WHY don't they show this? WHY they show this "tasmanian devil" instead of a real person, known by the child, maybe called "uncle" by the child?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    Anyone have a link to this cartoon? Why don't I ever remember seeing it?
  • Oubliette

    BOC: Anyone have a link to this cartoon? Why don't I ever remember seeing it?

    It's in the July monthly broadcast @ about 49:44"

    JW Broadcasting—July 2015

    You can also d/l it from the jw.org website here:

    Lesson 17 - Protect Your Children

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    Thanks OUBLIETTE for the link, and thanks to FLIPPER for the OP
  • Oubliette
    BOC, you're welcome!
  • Finkelstein

    @ about 49 min, in Morris states he's thankful for Jehovah for protecting his children through the organization.

    I wonder if he would be thankful if one his boys was sexually abused by another JWS who was new to their Hall from another and the elders there weren't notified of that person having pedophilia behavior problems ???

  • Listener

    The blob in the cartoon is ridiculous and doesn't help the child visualize the reality of the situation. Molestors don't look like scarey monsters. They also tell the child to rely on their own conscience, unfortunately the molester knows how to manipulate the child's thoughts and this isn't helpful at all.

    The society knows how easy they are to manipulate, they're already asking for their ice cream money. They can't be relied upon to make a serious video about child abuse.

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