LMAO @ heathen!!!!
FLUFF??/Why do men.
by plmkrzy 15 Replies latest jw friends
I like the isle seat because it feels less confining and is easier to get in and out. If a woman wants to sit in an isle seat, she can, but she will have to wrestle me for it... or better yet, place a game of twister.
Chauvenism, Plum. Nothing else.
The same reason males, when walking down the street with a female, walks the furthest from the curb (therefore closest to traffic; i.e. "danger"). It's the way I was raised, anyway. Men protect women.
At the movies, I was a teen when I figured out that the middle seat is best. Screw chavenism.
My ex ALWAYS sat on the aisle seat...at meetings, assemblies etc. He always had parts at meetings and assemblies and conventions, and so he needed to be able to get out fast so he could briskly walk up to the platform blah blah...
I used to prefer sitting in the middle of the kids so that I could nod off as you do!
ROLFLMAO! these are great answers. well except "the last to sit down and shut up" one. sticks tounge out at brat
Ya! and about those hand bags! Since when does a few WT's and AWAK's and a bible need a suitcase to be carried in. Or at least an over stuffed breifcase. They always look so heavy. AND MY GAWD! don't ever go near one and DO N O T! attempt to look inside, not even leaning over to get a peek. Whats R E A L Y in those bags?
Edited by - plmkrzy on 20 September 2002 1:1:10
darn glasses grrr
I'm typing blind. ahh the signs of aging.
Edited by - plmkrzy on 20 September 2002 1:3:27
My reason for sitting in the aisle chair, I am 6 foot, 5 in.. No way you can sit in the middle w/ long legs.. The aisle chair at least let you sit a bit sideways, where you could kinda let it all hang out in the aisle.. Was much more comfortable for me, anyway!
Boy.. I sure miss them hard, cramped stadium seats!!!