Update on Jan (Zazu)

by larc 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    Glad to hear some good news. May she continue to get better and better each day


  • Angharad

    Thanks for the update Larc

    Glad to hear she is doing well.

    I'll call her again in a few days

  • Matty

    Thank you for updating us Larc, I am so glad she is doing better.

    Lots of love


  • Joyzabel

    I'm glad Jan is regaining her strength, that is a good sign.

    The hospital is not her enviorment and when we are "sick" we want the comfort of our home. Tell her to be patient, she needs the miracles of modern day medicine so that she won't have too many left over effects from the stroke. (Also, lack of control is hard for some people to deal with. She is the one who is in control of her home. Just be understanding and bring her things that will make her feel comfortable, which I know you are doing a fine job of it, Larc, along with your daughter.)

    Thanks for keeping us updated. You guys have a whole "family" worried about you guys now



  • somebody


    I'm sorry to hear about Zazu having a stroke, but very very happy to hear that she is coming along well right now.

    zev and I wish her and your whole family best wishes, thoughts, and our prayers.

    ((((((((((larc, Zazu and family)))))))))))))))



  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife


    I am so happy to hear of the good progress. Please check your email, as I would like to call Zazzu on the phone at the hospital!!!

    Give her a great big hug and grin from me.

    Love to you both,


  • COMF

    My thoughts are with you, Carl. Hoping everything goes well and she's quickly back to where she wants to be.

  • onacruse

    I'm so relieved, and very very glad for you both. The only better news I can imagine is that this had not happened at all. Wishing for Zazu's quick and complete recovery.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You know larc modern medicine can do wonders for a person but it sounds like she has a couple of essential things that medicine can't give her

    lots of love and a ton of motivation

    and it sounds like she has both

    Best wishes to all of you

  • patio34

    Hi Larc,

    Glad to hear about some improvement--was imagining all sorts of things. What a time! It sounds as if both of you and yours handling all of this very well. Please give her a ((((Zazu))))) for me. I'll be calling her in just a little while.


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