Here in the Dallas area, we now have 50 stuffed lambs that will be distributed to K.H.'s on the afternoon of the 27th! I can hardly wait!!! Drum Roll Please!!! I need to come up with a great Rock n Roll song to play in the car while we're doing this! Anyone got any great suggestions! It's gotta have a great rock beat and lots of bass! Suggestions please?!
50 Lambs Have Arrived Today, We're Gonna Get Em!
by Lin 22 Replies latest jw friends
"Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide"
Hey... I'm in the Dallas area! How can I help out?
[Seven year old mode]
I wanna come! I wanna come! I wanna come!Edited by - Elsewhere on 20 September 2002 12:56:24
How about 'Were not going to take it anymore"
"Bad to the Bone" always gets me going!
Elsewhere, you have mail! :-) Anyone else local to Dallas area wanting to help pass the lambs out, please email me or Elsewhere! My car is gonna be rockin!!!!!
I like "We're not going to take it" !!!
Twisted Sister - We're Not Going To Take It <----- Click to download
It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) by R.E.M.
Probably doesn't have the driving bass line you're looking for, but I always think of my JW mom and sister when I hear this one. It makes me smile.
Country Girl
We will rock you. By Queen .. comes to mind.
Country Girl
All the songs mentioned sound great...put on a CD or cassette (whichever works in your car), roll down the windows, crank up the volume, and go get 'em. Imanaliento, dear wife, got me going on doing something so made sure the Omaha World Herald got the word about the march on the 27th...(they even responded to the email for clarification of the date - old grey-haired fat finger typist here). Anyone in Omaha NE want to do the lamb thing?????