Non-JW and newbie to board w/ ?'s...

by BlazingButterfly3 15 Replies latest social relationships

  • BadJerry

    Here's what caused me to make for the exit (I converted myself and family into the WTS):

    A young witness father was telling me how his father had died because he refused a blood transfusion. I my mind I'm thinking, "that's OK he's an adult and knew what would happen...". Then he tells me he'd never allow anyone to give him blood, give his wife blood, or give his children ANY form of a blood transfusion, even if it meant they would die. The look in his eyes when he said that. I knew in the deepest part of my heart, mind and soul, this was completely and absolutely wrong. No doubt. I knew I could never let my child die, but I had a signed blood card (ask your friend about it - see it and read it) which meant I could be dead because of this policy... no dad for my three boys, no husband for my wife. Tore the card up the moment he left my office.

    There is a dark side within the Watchtower organization. Its darker than anything you can imagine, but it can and does seduce you into believing its the only "truth". Don't be dragged in; instead, take his hand and pull him out, if you care that deeply for him. That organization truly can cost him his life.

    Must meditate and calm down now....

  • Kaethra

    Blazing: What is it they teach that is so wrong?

    How do I count the ways?

    The lovely image that jws project - peace-loving, family-oriented, moral, law-abiding's all very good! And, in many ways, it's quite true. But, then again, it's true for the vast majority of humankind. Most people ARE good....and peaceful...and pro-family...and moral...and law-abiding. JWs would have you believe that only THEY are all of those things and that all others are heathens bent on sowing chaos and destruction.

    It's the stuff that they do not tell new converts that is so perverse....the way that you will be isolated from your non-jw friends and family. Oh yes, they will not tell you directly that you cannot associate with "worldly" ones...or that such ones are doomed to destruction by Jah at any moment now...but that teaching is something that you will come to accept and act on eventually. It's inevitable.

    How about the teaching that it is better to let your child die than to accept a blood transfusion? You do not see that as evil incarnate? If you do not, then you are far more indoctrinated into the cult than you are admitting to us here.

  • Kingpawn


    First off, welcome to the board. I'll try and answer your question but many here have more knowledge of their beliefs over time than I do. I spent more time learning to be one than I was one. If you want, click on the icon under my pic for "Threads started by..." to see my original post to find out my history with the JW's. When you compare my perspective then with now, you'll see how far I've changed. But do that last. It won't answer your questions like reading on will.

    I guess one of my first questions is what is so terrible about these people? What is it that they teach that is so wrong?

    As Kaethra said, the outward image they project is nothing a person could see reason to argue with. The reality of the religion is one of changes in doctrine (if you use the search feature in the upper left hand corner of the page, keywords would include "vaccinations," "organ transplants," blood," and there's a thread from way back called "Does the Society believe in the Trinity?" listing numerous changes over time and where to find the proof). It's also a group that teaches political neutrality (John 18:36) and identifies the UN as the "beast" in Revelation (Rev. 13:1-4; 17:8). Yet if you do a search on "UN" or "NGO" you'll discover that they were registered with the UN for ten years or so as an NGO, and one of the duties of such is to promote UN policies. Is that neutrality or "sleeping with the enemy?"

    In Malawi, Witnesses were arrested, tortured, even killed, because they wouldn't have anything to do with the government outside of paying taxes and so on. At the same time Witnesses in Mexico were allowed to bribe officials to get official party cards.

    They teach nonviolence (2 Cor. 10:3). Yet it was revealed that the WBTS owns 51% of a company (through stock holdings) that itself owns 51% of another company working to develop a ceramic engine that the US military, among others, has expressed interest in. Besides the hypocrisy of owning stock (even indirectly) in a company that could have a military contract with a government, it violates the idea I was taught of not making long-term plans and trusting in Jehovah for your needs. a non-Witness; a disfellowshipped or "df'ed" (or excommunicated) ex-JW; everyone else here who isn't a Witness in good standing...are considered dead meat when Armageddon comes. Bird fodder .

    The biggest scandal to hit them recently is the child sexual abuse one. Doing a search on that will give you tons of info, which basically is this: children have told of sexual abuse at other's (JW) hands; the accused is confronted; he denies it; and since there weren't "two witnesses" (1 Tim. 5:19) to the alleged act, nothing will be done by them. To add insult to injury, the person bringing forth the accusation is often df'ed because they're "promoting divisions" or "bringing reproach upon Jehovah's name." Like former elder Bill Bowen, who found a file dealing with this in his congregation, brought it to the other's attention, got the "wait on Jehovah" treatment, and was df'ed. He started to encourage victims to come forward.

    The underlined terms will give you more background than I can when searched. You might also want to check into threads about dating a JW and whether or not it can work.

    In a nutshell: hypocrisy. Doctrinal changes. Shunning of someone who only yesterday was a friend and a fellow Witness.

    Before searching, you might want to (1) have a good stiff drink first, (2) make sure you're going to be undisturbed, and (3) be ready to read things that'll leave you in tears or screaming in anger. No, I'm not kidding. You sound like a person who's being impartial and with no preconceived ideas who's seeking to learn. That's terrific. I hope you take that attitude with you as you begin to research them.

  • showme

    I came upon this board because I am dating a witness. I am not. But decided to try and learn a little bit about it. I figured we both read the Bible, we both love God, and both believe in Jesus. So maybe they have a different understanding? Maybe it's a good thing. I also started to ask her questions. to which she never knew the answers. (Not that Catholics know why they do what they do either) But this seemed really odd since she has such strong opinions on things. Like absolutley no Holidays. Not even to celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ. Read thier Bible side by side with other versions. You will see a difference. Take a look at John 1:1. There seems to be an extra God hanging around for some reason. The wording of the New World Translation is very deceptive. I am just starting to see alot of holes in there religion. But I only started looking a few months ago. It all looks so on the money at first glance. But why would they show you all the uglies up front. they would never get converts if they did. Keep this in mind. Don't take offense to what people here might say. (you mentioned to keep it clean) if you really want to know both sides of the coin, you will need to keep an open mind.

  • expatbrit

    Hello Butterfly:

    Welcome to the board. As mentioned, most posters here are former Jehovah's Witnesses. We left that organisation for a number of reasons, doctrinal, intellectual and personal. There are a lot of us here who suffer shunning and ongoing emotional blackmail and abuse from family members because we exercised our religious freedom in leaving the Watchtower.

    My advice to you would be to ask specific questions here on the board. When becoming involved with a group or a member of a group that is widely acknowledged as being a high-control religion, it is vitally important that you get as much information as possible on their methods. It is likely that one of the first things you will be told by the JW's is not to read anything critical of the religion. I trust that you will see the fallacy of that, for unless you see both sides of an issue, how can you make an objective decision?

    For research purposes, there are a number of links at the bottom of the screen to very good websites on the Jehovah's Witnesses. Please take some time to look at those sites, as they will give you a very good picture of what the Watchtower Society is like. In particular, I recommend the Silentlambs and the AJWRB (Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood) sites.

    Again, welcome to the board.


  • COMF

    Hi, butterfly. I was a non-JW, raised as a Southern Baptist, who was found in field service and got baptized as a JW at age 22. The first year I was in was pretty good, and the succeeding 10 years were a progressively worse hell on earth until finally I had to leave in order to keep my sanity and the shattered remnants of my self-respect. Unfortunately, when I left I still believed it was The Truth, so the only reason I could figure why I couldn't make it in there was that God just didn't want me. That reasoning led me to become an alcoholic, drinking to deaden myself enough to try to function. I stayed drunk for 8 years, had a car wreck while drunk, and got put into court-ordered treatment, where the classes they taught gave me some skills for living life that helped me take control of myself and get back on track with living a happy life.

    I'm 49 years old. The past seven of those years have been very happy ones. I can't say what would have happened in my life if I'd never become a witness, but I can tell you for a fact that my choice to become one caused me great grief and misery and effectively wasted 20 years of my life.

    Edited by - COMF on 22 September 2002 13:40:13

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