allow myself to introduce myself...

by No Apologies 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws

    Hello No Apologies,

    Hope to hear more from you now that you have made the plung.

    JT It really is good to have you back on the net thang.


  • DanTheMan

    Welcome to the board! It's nice to know you're not alone, isn't it?

    This board can become your life if you let it

    Have you read Crisis of Conscience? It's required reading for continued membership on this forum.

    I don't know what your situation is, but if I can give you any advice, it would be - don't be to quick to DA or reveal your apostate leanings. Play it cool.

  • abbagail

    WELCOME to Club MED -- make that CLUB MAD! (I dunno how to do "strike thru's")! Neat name you picked for yourself. (It never ceases to amaze me at the creative xJW names people come up with. Someday... gotta re-do mine...)

    This place reminds me of "bar hopping" in my younger days. If you're too tired to really talk or mingle, but don't feel like being alone, you can mozey in and have a seat at the bar and listen in on other people's conversations nearby. And if you feel like piping in, you can -- or not. Or, if you're feeling lively and social, you can move from table to table, getting involved in whatever groups or 'conversations' are 'happening,' and add your own input.

    Pull up a barstool and sit a spell!
    Even if the "bar" is empty, there's always a friendly "bartender" lurking nearby willing to lend an ear or share a few words.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Thanks for all the advice. Dantheman, I have not read COC yet. haven't figured out a discreet way to get hold of it. Playing it cool is definitely my plan. Paranoia is what has kept me lurking here so long without joining in. Hopefully though, soon my need for caution will be gone.

  • jst2laws

    HEllo again NO Apologies,

    As to R. Franz's books, try the library. If they don't have it tell them they need to get it. They will probably have you fill out a little request card and the head librarian will consider it.

    Crisis of Conscience really is one of the best books you will ever read. The author had a lot of practice with the Watchtower society.


  • sableindian

    I don't get the watchtower. As I have previously mentioned in posts. No Jehovah's Witnesses come by. Would you please enlighten me about the article?

    Happiness comes through doors you
    didn't even know you left open
    Qelilah Solomon

  • Swan

    Welcome No Apologies!

    I love your screen name. Very timely and defiant!


  • johnathanseagull

    Big welcome N A.............

    J Gull

  • ballistic

    Hi NA, can you explain what that issue or cover of the Watchtower about for the un-informed?

  • avengers

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