I Got Bit By a Squirrel!

by Funchback 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    I feed the squirrels that hang out near my home. There are (4) that take advantage of free peanuts. One out of the four comes up to greet me as I park my car in the driveway. I open my door and he is almost always waiting for me.

    He/she is very friendly and it always takes the peanut out of my hand (I have to throw the peanuts for the other squirrels). In my study of the squirrels, I have deduced that they have very poor sight. They depend on their strength of smell and touch. Anyway...

    My squirrelfriend (LOL!) comes up to me and attempts to take the peanut. This time, however, the dummy thought my finger was the peanut! He/she starts pulling away with my finger in its mouth. It only lasted about (2) seconds but that thang has some razor-sharp teeth!

    So far, I haven't foamed from the mouth or had a desire to bite other folks. Also, I didn't bleed from the bite and my finger didn't swell up.

    I'm sure that, for every person on this forum who love squirrels, there is a person who hates them just as much. I like squirrels and I think they're real neat.

    Perhaps now I will develop characteristics of a squirrel (like Spiderman). I can be a superhero and my name can be Squirrelman. I'll bury bad guys in the dirt. I'll live in the tops of trees. My "kryptonite" will be cars...cars are the only thing that can kill me!

  • Dutchie


    Squirrels carry rabies and it is possible that as a result of that bite you have been infected.

    You must go to the hospital or a doctor right away, explain what happened and have yourself tested for rabies.

    (Dutchie of the I hate squirrels class)

  • nilfun

    Youch! Glad you're ok...though this made me giggle a bit I think squirrels are cute, but my husband absolutely adores them! Not being familiar with them, he watches them as if they were strange, exotic creatures. I have asked him not to feed them though, I'm afraid of Bubonic plague... you sure you don't want to get checked out by a doctor just in case?

  • Funchback


    Are you trying to frighten me? I thought about doing what you said but I read that it's rare for a squirrel to carry rabies.

    Just curious, how long does it take for rabies to become manifest?

    Brian, of the I-don't-wannt-get-a-bunch-of-needles class

  • Nikita

    Bri, I love squirrels, too, but Dutchie is right-consult Dr. ASAP, perhaps even a Health Dept. offical! I don't know if you remember or not, but I was exposed when I worked at the Cat Clinic and had to have the treatments. They aren't as bad as they used to be and they are the only thing that can save your life if indeed you were exposed to Rabies. SO, don't hesitate! OK??!!


  • Funchback


    Bubonic plague? Okay, now I'm nervous! I'm going to die from a heart attack before I even get to see a doctor!

  • Funchback


    I don't remember anyhting about you being exposed to rabies before. Did that occur when I was shunning you?

    What if he didn't draw any blood? Can I still get infected?

  • Francois

    C'mon. Go get yourself tested. Actually, I don't think there's any test for rabies. Usually the animal is kept isolated and observed. If it dies, its brain must be examined to see if it was damaged by the rabies virus. If so, you get the rabies treatment. I understand that there is a series of shots given in the arm now for rabies. No more of that stomach injection stuff.


    Get animal control to catch the squirrel, or go to the hospital and spill your guts.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Lagomorphs (and I'm pretty sure that squirrels are in that category) do NOT carry rabies. How do I know this? Well, when I was bitten by a chipmunk (long story) I went to the ER and totally confounded the doctors there. They knew that rabies wasn't anything to worry about, but they had no idea WHAT I might get from a chipmunk bite, so they just gave me a general antibiotic.

    Make sure the wound is clean and washed out well. I would check with the doctor anyway, however, since any type of animal bite can get infected.

  • Dutchie
    it's rare for a squirrel to carry rabies

    You may be right, but why take chances!

    I am not trying to frighten you, I just want you to be safe.

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