by Dogpatch 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • deddaisy
    The Watchtower admonished building respect in the family "because strong families constitute a solid foundation for a united society

    yes, and just how does the Watchtower suggest building "respect in the family? By suggesting to its members that it is acceptable behavior to inform an elderly grandfather not to attend the wedding of his firstborn grandson because he has been disfellowshipped for daring to question the Almighty Watchtower Society.

    WTS supporting "single parenthood?" ........oh sure, you can have a kid while you're single, as long as you don't have sex while you're single........or become single for any other reason than death or adultery........your husband beats you or is an "alleged" child molester ? tough luck sweetums, no single parenthood for you.........................

  • DJ

    Thanks Randy...it's always good to hear from you, brother. Love, Donna

  • searcher

    It seems to me that the company is trying to tap a new source of recruit. By accepting single parents into the org they can then make a big deal of ' past sins being forgiven' at the same time as bolstering deminishing numbers.

    As single-parenthood is on the increase, it must be getting harder to find ' whole' families to recruit,

    I wonder who they will find acceptable next ?


  • Wolfgirl
    The article's first main section, "The Christian Family," quotes from the book The New Inquisitors: Freedom of Religion and Religious Envy, with the observation about Jehovah's Witnesses: "For [them] the family is something to be especially protected." What do all families need protection from? The Watchtower explains: "Families are scenes of spousal violence, parents abuse or neglect their children, and children rebel, get involved in drug abuse and immorality, or run away from home."

    Ummm....let's review, shall we?

    Step 1: Father sexually abuses daughter.

    Step 2: Mother and father physically and emotionally abuse daughter.

    Step 3: When found out, elders say, "It's OK...please, remain an elder."

    Step 4: Daughter is disfellowshipped.

    Step 5: Family shuns daughter.

    I feel so especially protected.

  • happy man
    happy man

    The most sad thing is the problem inn the organisation, even we have problem widh this , devorcing thing, splitt familys, is no more unusual in our organisation, why?

    Perhaps this place not are the right place to ask this qestion, or is it?

  • happy man
    happy man


    I think you are litel too unfair here, when i was an elder i hade never do things like you say, I now that here in sweden peopel hade been send to the police, and if we find things like this we dfd at once.

    I have read that some place the system have faild, and this is very disturbing, but you can not say like you do that this is comen in the organisaition, and I think all the former eldr who is here can confirm that.

    The sad thing is that our leader dont want to change the polyci widh two wittneses, ofcourse something must be ther who say this is the truth, as you now this is very difficult issus.

  • Dia

    I can't believe I'm the first one to mention this:

    Who are the most needy and vulnerable group of parents?

    Who would most likely (and unwisely) entrust their children to the care of almost any willing and nice-seeming church folks?

    Where are child molestors most likely to find new victims?

    Oh yes, in the home of overworked, overstressed, living-at-the-poverty-level single parents.

    Oh, and especially if they can get 'god' and their own little 'community' to back them up, too.

    And, as a bonus, it also provides an opportunity for child molestors to demonstrate their repentant little hearts. Or at least to show the world that they're trying, they're really, really trying to get over this little 'weakness' of theirs.

    Excuse me while I vomit.

    As someone once said, 'If you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one. It's more likely to be believed."

  • Pathofthorns

    There seems to be an epidemic of divorce within the JW religion these days. Imo, growth in the number of single-parent families within the religion has easily outpaced that on the outside and no longer can these claims of low divorce rates be made.

    Families that appear to be "exemplary" tend to find themselves plagued with difficulties as their children grow up because JW family relationships tend to be very artificial and superficial. Just as the WT measures spirituality in numbers of hours, JW families tend to measure their success as a family by what people can see. Families are devoid of emotion and feeling.

    It would seem the WT is trying to address this ever-increasing segment of the JW population. Single JW parents seem to cling to this religion for various reasons and probably remain one of the last few segments of the population that find themselves inclined to become a Witness.

    It is too bad that the WT doesn't accept any responsibility for so many of these broken marriages due to their shitty advice that has led so many incompatible people to marry simply because they had nothing more in common than they were both "good in the truth". It is too bad that the WT has robbed so many people of the needed time to devote to their families by keeping them occupied in useless activities.

    I really don't know how they can say "we don't break up families" with an honest conscience.


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