I just got my copy from Amazon.com. Too tired tonight but I, going to start it tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. els
Just recieved "Crisis of Conscience"
by els 15 Replies latest jw friends
it's an incredible up front and personal account of what really takes place with the "grand poobas". it took out the wind behind the sail of the governing body and the organization for me. NO MORE MYSTERY---JUST COMPLETE BS FROM THE WTS.
Good thing you are going to get some sleep. If you are like me you won't be able to put it down once you start reading. The longer you were in the more you will hear the ring of honesty from Ray's Book.
Happy reading, els. You won't be disappointed!
I was just about to say that I hoped els didn't have big plans this weekend, because s/he was going to be engrossed in COC for most of it!
hope you have a comfy easy chair to do your reading in!
GOOD 4 U! When you are done, come back and tell me if "2/3" means anything. luv, dj
I received mine from Amazon yesterday. I just finished it a couple of hours ago. All I can say is WOW! What an eye opener! Many of the things I was aware of just by reading stuff off the internet, but actually reading the book made me really think. It totally makes sense with all the problems the GB had internally. How many times have you know the elders in the congregation to disagree?? So when you think about it, it makes sense that the GB would butt heads. But of course they always portray themselves to be in absolute perfect harmony. What a load of BS! You can't tell me a group of men anywhere on the face of this earth are in perfect harmony about anything! And then they try and make you feel that god is really talking to the witnesses through them! Makes me laugh now!
I carry my copy with me everywhere, and when I finish I just start again!!!!.......fantastic read
J Gull
I've read both this new fourth edition and the one before that, plus another one he wrote In Search of Christian Freedom. It blew my mind to say the least. Having been a teenager forced to read those damn yearbook stories and the events in Malawi, the real story of that made me cry for days. That is probably the one thing that sticks out most in my mind when I think of the book. How dare the WT sacrifice so many lives in Malawi for nothing but their own reputation and stupidity. Argh!
Once you start this book, you won't beable to put it down. I spent many night up reading till 2 or 3 in the morning till I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. It will really make you think. I'd be very interested to know your thoughts once you've finished the book. Of course, I can almost bet that certain points you read will cause you to post comments even before you finish the book.
Hi Els: I have to second the comments of others on this ... Crisis of Conscience is very powerful ... it is the book that broke ground for me, setting the stage for my exit.