Dateline and Panorama video on FTP?

by izobcenec 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • izobcenec

    does anyone have quality clips of panorama and dateline?
    i have quick line (512kb/s) so d/l is no problem...thanx in advance!

  • Simon

    I have them both.

    A few people asked me for these and I was a bit busy at the time so I will turn the server back on and post the URL here this afternoon.

  • jst2laws

    izobcenec and Simon,

    Please check this thread. Maybe we can get it together somehow.

    Simon, Thanks again for the copies I got from you this summer. I have freinds who do not have a computer who would like to see these programs. Hope you can help.


  • izobcenec

    thanx simon!

  • Simon

    Ok, please give this a go a let me know if you have any problems:


  • jst2laws


    You are so good! However, I was unable to run the file.

    Message: "No combination of filters could be found to render the stream."

    What next?


  • Simon

    Have you downloaded the files? They are not for playing directly from the server. YOu need to right click and copy to a folder on your computer (or use an FTP client)

    Once downloaded, they shoudl play in Windows Media Player which should download the WM8 codec if you don't already have it.

  • jst2laws


  • Simon

    hey! (I gather it's working then?)

  • abbagail

    Hi Simon! NICE download page, with all of the segments listed nice and neatly, one by one! Thank you!

    Is there anyway you, Trauma_Hound, Bill, etc. would be able to make a Central Docking Station/page in order to bring ALL of the video/TV media programs into ONE download site? Merely for the sake of "ORGanization"! If not, and just for everyone's FYI, here are the other TV spots SIlentlambs has received (which I am aware of, there could be others):

    Connie Chung Tonight, CNN TV segment on 8-14-02: and then hit download. It's also here:
    And/or you can read the transcript here:

    German TV magazine KONTRASTE ( broadcasted a very well researched report on child abuse within the JW community. The report was only 10 min long, but it was German prime time - the very first topic after the most watched daily news magazine. KONTRASTE (Contrasts) is very reputable TV magazine. Two victims were interviewed and a JW spokesman. This was on or about 7-15-02.

    Protecting the Perpetrator Comes First - Child Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses
    by Caroline Walter and Marcus Weller
    [email protected]?subject=Kontraste%2020.06.02,%20Jehova)

    DAVID LETTERMAN joked re: the JW sex abuse scandal in his monologues on Monday and Tuesday nights, July 15 and 16, 2002. Previously, you could see the monlogues yourself, at Letterman's website here: and click on "Dave's Monologue" in the DAVE-TV box. However, I do not know if this ability expired shortly after each monologue. Is there any way to get video-clips of BACK monologues? Are there copyright issues?

    Panorama BBC also did a brief 7-minute news announcement the afternoon before that evening's programming on 7-14-02. I'm not sure if this is one of those listed at your download site, Simon. But here's the info just in case:
    Jehovah's Witnesses and child abuse The Jehovahs witnesses are the latest in a succession of religious groups to come under attack for the way they have responded to allegations of child sex abuse within their ranks. A Panorama investigation to be shown on BBC1 tonight (Sunday) reveals that a number of legal actions against the organization are underway in America, but the problem is not confined to that country. Report by Panorama's Shabnam Grewal. Listen here: (7m 21s)

    Then, of course, Panorama/BBC had that "Question & Answer" show the next morning of 7-15-02: The Jehovah's Witnesses are accused of having a "child protection policy" that protects paedophiles. You can ask our panel about the organisation, its policies and how child abuse should be dealt with in a live forum on Monday 15 July at 14:00 BST, to be shown on this page and on Digital Satellite television.

    MINNESOTA Press Conference - late July 2002?
    with Holly & Heidi & Bill. I believe this was covered on TV News, but I don't have the details.

    Silentlambs PRESS CONFERENCES on or about 9-5-02:

    TUCSON, AZ had TV coverage, but the radio/TV source is unknown to me:

    NASHVILLE, TN had TV news coverage, but I do not know if anyone taped a copy of the news:
    WKRN.COM Home
    Sexual Abuse Allegations Within Jehovah's Witness Denomination
    Reporter: Wisdom Martin
    Former church members march in protest - People say they were molested as a child by a Jehovah's Witness
    Reporter: James Lewis

    SEATTLE, WA had TV news coverage: - The KOMO TV 4 Interview.

    PORTLAND, OR had TV news coverage:
    Alleged Victim Speaks Out Against Abuse In Church - March Planned In New York

    PANAMA CITY, FL had TV news coverage:

    ORLANDO, FL did NOT make the news (as far as I know) even though FOX-TV showed up and recorded it.

    Re: the other remaining cities on the original SilentLambs Press Conference list, I do not know if these Press Conference cities received TV-News coverage at their local stations, or if anyone taped any possible TV-News coverage to a VCR tape. Anyone?
    Atlanta, GA
    Louisville, KY (where Bill was)
    ST Louis, MO
    Dallas, TX
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Sacramento, CA
    Los Angles, CA

    I do know, from a thread at this site, that DOWNEY, CA TV covered the placement of lambs at the local KH. Whether that TV coverage was AIRED, or whether anyone has a copy of it, I do not know:

    UK Silentlambs
    Any TV News Coverage of Bill's visit 9-11-02 thru 9-17-02, approx.?

    And tomorrow, Sunday, 9-22-02, as everyone knows:
    Australia: Silent Witnesses
    Reporter: Graham Davis; 9 AM, AEST, Australia's Major Network, CHANNEL 9, the show "Sunday" runs from 9-11 AM; the segment on the Silent Witnesses will be about 40-45 min. For those with Austar, the Sunday programme is shown on Sunday afternoon on the Sky News channel. -- A firewire card and a Dazzle Analog/DV to Firewire bridge get's you broadcast quality. -- The full transcript will be up on this site, after the show goes to air:

    And, Friday, 9-27-02, as everyone also knows... we're hoping for LOTSA TV coverage for the Silentlambs March!

    Thanks guys!

    Edited by - Grits on 21 September 2002 16:44:15

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