An observation I had as I watched the program:
Did you notice how things happened five years ago? Elders leaving etc? So many of our circle left then. Strange, isn't it?
Oh well. just musing on a Sunday afternoon.
Just been to visit Zaqen. OK you guys, he was in the program, didn't you recognise him? I was interested in a comment he made. (Actually his interview lasted 45 minutes but we only see a small portion in the programme.) Do you recall that the interviewer asked him if the WTS could be reformed? Do you recall his response? It was a definte NO! I must agree. Here in Australia, we encourage those who've seen the truth about 'The Troof' to "get out of her, my people!". Those former elders interviewed, both on and off camera, have all taken their stand for what is right. It has cost them all dearly, but they were willing to pay that price. In the end they are blessed.
Cheers, Ozzie