This is something I have been thinking about for a while. Xjws survivors tell us, when they were being sexually abused by members from their own khs, and they reported the abuse to the elders all they got in return from elders was, "wait on jehovah he will set matters straight" .
Now I can't for the life of me figure out why didn't at least ONE elder reason that , jehovah was leading the victims to the elders so they could receive justice he was trying to set matters staright. Do you follow me? . They were so stuck on stupid that,Not one of them ever thought that the children who were exposing the molesters in the khs to the elders, may have very well been an act of god. Since they tried to hinder the work of god he decided to humiliate them before the world (of course i am just guessing at that).
Why didn't any of them realize that one day their actions would be exposed? did they really believe that god would help them to keep the dirty secert hidden?
If they were so concerned about not giving Jehovah "a bad name" they would have turned over the sonofab...s from the beginning, that would have given Jehovah and themselves a good name, the world would have taken notice of this and perhaps said, "hey, those jws have a no tolerances law for child molesters, they are good people"
Some of this is coming out because Refinnersfire (sorry if i spelled name wrong) put out a link to a news paper called "sunday" one of the stories is about a lady (now) who told the elders not only was her dad having sex with her but he wanted her to have sex with ANIMALS of all things and other females. Jesus Christ!
I am thinking about the elders shaking his hand on sunday knowing he's forcing his own flesh & blood to have sex with dogs. (Just using dogs as example).
One nagging question I have is: If one of the victims had been one of the daughters/sons of an elder who sat in the judgement seat with the other elders and listened to the stories, would he have called the society first?,taken it to the police right away?, or would he have just waited on Jehovah?
So who gave the jws a bad name, xjws or jws? I feel they know in their hearts they did it themselves.
I know this all sounds lke I hate jws but I don't, I really don't. I have a few family members in there, and a couple of friends, and to the best of my knowledge they are good people.
Peace James.
Edited by - Monster on 22 September 2002 2:19:50