I have voted for the first time in my life!

by GermanXJW 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW
    he kept all his promises except for the 2 important ones... employment and growth rate!

    Well, he made a mistake in giving a specific number.

    But I want that he continues his good work. I don't blame him for not forseeing the WTC-attack and the recession of world economies. The Euro had a negative effect on purchase in Germany - introduced by Stoiber's party.

    And - despite the factors above: the number of unemployed is below the number in 1998 when Schroeder became chancellor.

    Your mention of the Liberals must be joke. They have proclaimed themselves as a "Fun Party". They try to make fun for the youth. Their candidate Guido Westerwelle cruised Germany in a "Guidomobile" having fun. (Imagine George W. in a Georgomobil). Hoped to get their votes without a concept. And they attack the Jews in hoping to get votes from the ultra-right. Their goal is 18%. Let's see. I bet.

    I think the Green Party will have a better result than the Liberals. People have been reminded of environment topics when Germany was flooded.

    BTW, Edmund Stoiber forgot to appoint a specialist for questions of environment which was very embarassing facing the flood. The same feeling had Guido Westerwelle in his Guidomobile cruising while people were drowning.

    Edited by - GermanJW on 22 September 2002 11:25:45

  • Outaservice

    You'll have a lot of 'firsts' before it's all over!

    Freedom to:

    1. Sleep in Sunday morning

    2. Celebrate your birthday

    3. To celebrate all the rest of the holidays

    4. To question every relgious teaching that comes your way

    5. To be able to go into a Christian Book Store without a mask

    6. To own a two door automobile and still be considered spiritual

    7. To talk and associate with anyone you wish to

    And the list can go on and on.........congratualtions, and welcome to the human race!

    Outaservice (but still countin my time!)

  • GermanXJW

    1. Sleep in Sunday morning

    2. Celebrate your birthday

    3. To celebrate all the rest of the holidays

    I allow my kids to do all this. For me, I have no connection to this thinks and think I'll never do.

    4. To question every relgious teaching that comes your way


    5. To be able to go into a Christian Book Store without a mask

    achieved, even as a JW. It's no problem in Germany.

    6. To own a two door automobile and still be considered spiritual

    Who cares about spirituality? ;-)

    7. To talk and associate with anyone you wish to


    Seems, I am on a good way. :-)

    Two weeks ago, I attended a seminar for ex-JW. I am starting another thread on this.

    But in 20 minutes, there will be first results from the election.




  • Dutchie

    Oh God.

    Stoiber is claiming victory. However, they say the race is too close to call.

  • GermanXJW
    Stoiber is claiming victory. However, they say the race is too close to call.

    Stoiber's party really is the biggest single party in the Bundestag right now. But - at the moment - he is not chancellor, because his partner the Liberal has an awful result. They together have not the majority.

    The Green Party - partner of Gerhard Schroeder - has the best result in their history. So all in all AT THE MOMENT - Schroeder would remain chancellor - with 1 seat ahead!

    BUT it is too early.

    There are some special German voting rules that makes it verrry exciting.

  • Dutchie

    Actually its really the smaller parties who will determine the outcome of this election.

    The numbers seem to be changing every minute.

    Okay, I still have hope!

    At least the ex-communist and free democrats lost!

  • Realist

    oh man this is terrible!!!

    damn the greens!!!

  • TTBoy

    I guess we'll find out (6PM EST USA) I was very proud the first time I voted, it was for the last presidential election in the US. It made me feel good to exercise a freedom that many have died to protect.


  • GermanXJW
    It made me feel good to exercise a freedom that many have died to protect.

    Well, I must say I felt a little bit different when I went to vote. I thought about the JW that suffered in Nazi Germany and the GDR for NOT voting - which was mandatory.

    But I felt they suffered in vain - because I see nothing wrong in it today. And I don't think it was necessary not to vote in the days back then.

  • Patanegra

    Well done, GermanJW!.

    I also voted by first time in my home country polls in 2000. When I was inside the .org, I always thought that politics should be left to personal conscience. I remember a stunning speech by an overseer shouting "We don't want his democracy!". Well, democracy is not perfect, but it's certainly waaay better than his theocracy.


    Patanegra from Spain.

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