Hey all! Me, Elsewhere, Jesika and her sister spent about four hours today at a busy intersection (the same intersection where Jesika did the press conference, right in front of the K.H.!) and passed out flyers to everyone at the light! Man, those Dubs were sooooo mad!!!! hahahahahahaha It was great!!!! Elders were patrolling the parking lot, watching us, a couple of them knocked down our signs we had planted in the ground too! hahahahaha
We had people complimenting us on what we were doing, thanking US for doing it!!! One couple that I approached had just pulled out of the K.H., but since I ain't askeeeeered, I offered them one, and they took it! I simply said Thank you, and the lady said "No, thank YOU"! Wow!!!!! Another lady told me she knew of a dub pedophile that lives right in that same neighborhood! It was awesome! The responses we got! I'm sure Jesika and Elsewhere will comment on it too, and Elsewhere took pics!!!! It was a blast!!!!!
Just wait till next Friday when we lamb-bast the K.H.'s with 50 lambs all over the Dallas metroplex! My cd player will be cranked up loud, windows rolled down, and my car will be rockin and boomin!!!! Whooohoooooooo!