oh man, do I remember the days when my little brother was little, he was hyper active, and was on and off the chair through the whole meeting. then he would fall asleep, and my mom would be thrilled,lol she would take him down the the ladies room and beat the daylights out of him for not sitting still, as if he could! not after feeding us captain crunch for breakfast, lol, he was so wired! she was clueless about nutrition, we ate processed food all the time.I was always tired, irritable and bored to death at every meeting.
that kids sleeping on the floor is a common sight, you I remember the convention isles, blankets pillows, books, pencils, bags of snacks, sippy cups, lol, it was like a picnic
I remember when a couple I knew would leave the meeting halfway through because the kids had homework, and other people would criticize that.
well gee they might miss that SAME demonstration, about how to place a watchtower and awake
omg, how awful, lol or , omg they missed the announcements,
you would think that the watchtower would have taken children into consideration when making meeting times.
fat chance.