I only have a quetion to which i would like a reply. If being a JW is what we should do to avoid the wrath of god then why did he kill my mum, slowly and painfully. When she was totally devoted to him?
by NoMore 12 Replies latest jw friends
Been there
(((((((((No More)))))))))
I'm sorry about your mom. I can feel your pain.
I don't think there is really any good answer to your question, I'm sorry to say. I don't believe God killed your mom. Your question is why didn't he stop her pain and cure her. Maybe by welcoming her into his arms was his way of stopping her suffering. Why do vicious, evil, rabid dogs get to live, but good God loving, God fearing people suffer and die leaving the people who love them to agonize with grief? I can't answer that, there is no logical explaination.
But please know that you are welcome to come here to vent, grieve and heal. We will listen.
Hi NoMore,
I am so sorry you lost your mom. These are my thoughts on death as a JW.
Time and unforseen occurences.
We were all born into inperfection.
If we die faithful, and it was a really...long painful death, more people will notice and it's a good way to use them as an example.
People die every day, babies, children, teenagers, good people, bad people, poor people, rich people.
The carrot that was always in front of us, we wont die, if we do we will be resseructed, if our loved ones die, and they died faithful..we don't mourn. We are happy they have a First Class ticket into everlasting life.
So if you believe in the ressurection, rejoice that your beloved dear faithful Mom is holding her ticket.
If you have doubts, rejoice that her pain is gone, and she left you as a rememberance of her.
She was no different than the millions who have died before her. The difference is who remembers us when were gone.
She died thinking she was doing the right thing. That's all that really matters in the end.
To me anyways...:(
Thoughts like yours will always shake a persons belief system. I know mine is pretty much gone these days.
Wow No More,
You ask the ultimate questions.
When we are exposed to an environment where our religious leaders claim to have all the answers, then we expect an explanation.
But what if the religious leaders do not have all the answers? We tend to blame not just the leaders but the one whom they claim to represent.
Like you, I am assuming, I do not have much confidence in divine intervention not so much because of the failure of God and what He has committed to but because of what the so called 'representatives of God' have promised and failed to deliver.
I totally sympathize with your loss. The question for the future is who really is responsible for the disillusionment?
Oh No More,
I am so sorry your mum suffered so much before she died. I have been with many dear friends in the hospital as they suffered and suffered before death finally overcame them. In all of that time, I have never figured out why good people have to suffer so much. It hurts so terribly to see them in such pain and you know that you would cure them of it if only you had the power. If there is someone with that power, why would suffering like that go on? I would if I could. I don't know the answers to these questions either. I feel your hurt and loss just the same. My deepest sympathies to you.
deeply sorry to hear about your mom.....hugs.....
No More,
Sorry about your Mum. The question you ask goes way beyond just JW's and into the realm of why does God allow bad things to happen to good people, the mystery of suffering and evil in a world created by a God that loves us. There is no good answer. Remember this, God didn't spare his own son. Welcome to the board.
(aka Yeru)
I can feel your pain, because I lost my mother to cancer, as well as several other great members of my family. All of them were devoted servants of God too.
I don't believe God "takes" or "kills" anyone. We all die at some point.
I have no idea what happens after death, my only hope is that those who have unjustly suffered during their earthly life are now at peace.
((((No More))))
I am so sorry for your loss.
There is no logic in assuming the existence of a god, that will allow so much pain inflicted on his creations.
Hugs, lots of them, Viv.