RF, Pentecost 33 CE to establish the Christian congregation (same year Jesus died). It was after Jesus returned to heaven.
36 CE is when the Gentiles were first baptized when Peter baptized Cornelius and his household.
by refiners fire 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
RF, Pentecost 33 CE to establish the Christian congregation (same year Jesus died). It was after Jesus returned to heaven.
36 CE is when the Gentiles were first baptized when Peter baptized Cornelius and his household.
G'day R.F.,
For many years, the WTS has drawn a distinction between God's Kingdom and Christ's Kingdom (the kingdom of the Son of God's Love).
See, for example, the outline for (Public) Talk No. 42 "How the Kingdom of God Affects You":
Read Colossians 1:13 Does this refer to a future action or something that had already taken place? At that time, the Son was ruling in his kingdom in heaven; true from Pentecost 33 CE onward. God's Kingdom had not begun exercising its power over all mankind. Over whom was Jesus ruling? According to Colossians 1:1,2, the holy ones. Christ had indeed begun to rule but only over Christian congregation, not over mankind.
This is yet another of the intertwined beliefs that render much reform unlikely.
Cheers, Ozzie
Edited by - ozziepost on 24 September 2002 11:36:22
.."Over whom was Jesus ruling? According to Colossians 1:1,2, the holy ones. Christ had indeed begun to rule but only over Christian congregation, not over mankind."....
Well Oz, all i can say to that is, between about 200 ad and 1800ad Jesus mustnt have had much to do as ruler over the "holy ones".I wonder how he "ruled" over these ones? What did his rulership produce during that long night ? A tug of holy spirit leading a heart here, a whisp of direction over someones actions there. Not much of a rulership huh?
As for the "36 ce Pentecost" business, well it just goes to show how you forget things if you dont keep taking in that Spiritual food from the WT. Id become convinced that pentecost was in 36ce, but yes, it was the conversion of that slave, or Cornelius or whoever it was, in 36. Hmmm. This being the case, from a "parallels" perspective, If Christ was enthroned in 1914, then one would expect that God would have directed His church (thru holy spirits guidance) to come to an understanding of the "Other sheep" class within the same year, 1914. This would be an excellent parallel. 1935 doesnt fit the pattern. very untidy.
(Thanks to blondie also)