Armageddon Imminent In United Kingdom.

by Englishman 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Is Birmingham still there?

    It is?



  • Englishman

    Mmm. Brum is still there. Can't be the new system yet then.

    Even yo'm feelin' der peench!

    Englishman. Despairing at the second city..

  • ballistic

    Eman, are you sure it wasn't my tremors I had after drinking so much at the weekend???

  • Kenneson

    If earthquakes are rare in the U.K., they are even more rare here in Florida. The first recorded one was in 1879 near St. Augustine, causing plaster to fall in a few homes. Tremors lasted for 10 minutes. Since then, there have been about 35, with only seven of these confirmed by seismographic recording; the others were written off as the result of explosions and sonic booms. But Armageddon comes to us in disguise: hurricanes. Hurricane season here lasts from June through October. So far, we have had only one tropical storm. Lots of rain, no wind. The ones that really concern us are those like Hurricane Andrew.

  • Sirona


    My sister, not having gotten over the JW brainwashing, woke up to her shaking bed and rattling door believing she had a poltergeist. Then she thought of X Files...and looked for lights under her door. LOL.

    My BF saw his wardrobe rattling and thought an entity had inhabited it. He continued to stare at it in fear for 15 minutes.

    I woke to noise..and thought we were being burgled.

    Oh how strange to have an earthquake here in UK!



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