Anyone interested in a Secret Santa gift swap?

by scootergirl 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    I know..........muffle the groans. Christmas is 3 months away, but I wanted to pass something by you guys and get some input. I belonged to another forum board awhile back and we did a secret gift swap for the holidays. It was so much fun. There quite a few people involved and it was so much fun giving and receiving!

    I would love to host something like this for this site. Here's how it works, those interested would email me (NOT NOW!) w/their shipping information. I would compile a list from the emails that I recieve then with the help of my trusty assistant (eyegirl) we would randonly draw names and email you with the person's name and address that you are matched up with. Also, a "gimme gimme wantme" thread would be started where you can list your likes/dislikes. The board that I did this with set a certain dollar limit ($20.00) for gifts.

    What I am asking is there enough of an interest on this board to celebrate this holiday? I certainly am willing to put the time and effort in if others are willing to participate.

    What do you think?

    Edited by - scootergirl on 23 September 2002 11:39:59

  • Angharad

    Sounds like fun Scooter. Are UK'ers allowed?

  • scootergirl

    YOU BET! This wouldn't be limited to those only living in the US!

  • DiscoSandy

    Hey - I'm game. Sounds great. I love celebrating Christmas ! By the way Scooter I'll email you offline. Hubby is back now and life is getting back to normal - hopefully we can get together in the next couple of months.

  • scootergirl

    That better be a promise, DiscoSandy! I am looking forward to catching up on old times!

  • TheStar

    Count me in Scooter!

  • Been there
    Been there

    Can I Play? Can I Play? Pleeeeeeeeeeeze

  • scootergirl

    yelling YEAH while humming Christmas carols! LOL............the more the merrier! Pass the word around........

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Hey, what a great Idea! I would love to participate!

    Let me know!



  • scootergirl


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