Because of my job I carried a gun for 10 years, I had lots of training, and trips to the shooting range, I'm glad I don't have it anymore, It is a huge responsibility.
Personal Protection
by LuckyLucy 14 Replies latest jw experiences
While not wanting to discourage any from owning any means of self defense, I have to agree to make sure you get trained well in it's use. But, before that, try to find some photos of gun shot victims and such. Make sure you have what it takes to use it and can handle the after effects of blowing holes in another human. Any hesitation on your part in using it could result in the mugger taking it away from you and using it on you.
I was taught that when you take out a gun and pull it on another person, you are going to do one of two things: Kill someone or make a total fool out of yourself.
Make sure you know and fully understand the gun ownership laws in your locality also. More than once, the intended victim has ended up being sued or arrested for defending themselves, sad as it is.
Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but shooting another person can be even harsher, even when necessary.
Lew W
safer forms of protection such as pepper spray that will help just as much,
Pepperspray is a joke. This I know from personal experience. You won't stop anyone serious with this. Try it sometime, you'll find out.
Get yourself properly trained. Without proper training it's more dangerous for you than for the intended target. When you do this, be certain you are prepared to take a life. I am prepared for this and so is my wife. If we weren't we would not carry sidearms. Be certain, then get the training. That is the most important thing you can do. The NRA is a great place to start. So are local gunshops. Usually there are classes to get you started. Practice.
We do some practical shooting competitions. I suggest looking into that. Most gunclubs have means to goof around with this form of shooting. You will become faster and be less likely to miss the intended target.
I admire you for taking responsibility for your own safety. You are the only person you can count on for this. Those who intend you harm will not do these things in the presence of police. You have to be prepared.
Best wishes and good luck.
Here in AZ, we carry openly without a permit. You can get a ccw also, which mandates training. Having been trained how to shot-to-kill, I dont worry about the "what-ifs".
Not many people mugged here have guns on them.... and not many, if any, gun carriers get mugged. It is a simple premise... bullys rarely pick on bullys. The ability to carry a holstered, loaded pistol not only gives me a little security, but also gives some to those around me. There aint nothing better than 100 bikes meeting somewhere, with most everyone carrying. Guess what... no one got shot or threatened. No one tried to mug us either.
ps... my kids have been shooting since they were 3 or 4.
No one tried to mug us either.
heehee, that cracked me up.
thanks for the visual animal, you funny.SPAZ