From where I sit, 42 is a kid. My shorts are 42.
by WildHorses 12 Replies latest jw friends
From where I sit, 42 is a kid. My shorts are 42.
Lots of good looking ladies around these parts! I knew you were one of em all along...well Farkel did say so first.
Happy coming b-day...Shell.
D-Bear, D-Bear, D-Bear... D-MAN!!!! How the heck are ya (and peace to you!!)!!
Thank you for your kind words... and don't 'cha know you can't trust what the Farkel-Man says he's seen? You shoulda seen the binoculars I had to buy him just so's he could see his lunch! The man's blind, Danny... blind as a bat... can't see good at all... has to squinch a lot and stuff... don't trust him...
But I bid you both the greatest of love and peace, truly!
Your servant (and friend),