Your post just gave me a movie or book idea. Imagine a book about a parallel present where, unlike our present, theistic religious behavior and beliefs are regarded as being a delusional psychological disorder and treated as such. Theistic religions are outlawed as a danger to society and theists meet secretly in underground movements.
But the story skillfully strings the reader/viewer along with the false impression that the governments and medical community are the bad guys and they are unjustly stifling people's religious freedoms, playing on themes of suppression of rights. But very gradually over the course of the story, the reader/viewer comes to have an awakening that the government and medical community are actually correct and the good guys and it is the underground religious communities (the leaders of those communities) that are actually the deceptive, manipulative bad guys.
The way this plot trick is pulled off is that the first half of the story focuses on events from the perspective of rank and file religious believers who are only getting their religious leaders' side of the story; and well, you know how religious leaders have a tendency to twist things, to deny reality, to limit their members access to independent information, to demonize those who criticize them, etc. So the viewer gets the story from the perspective of a believer who is being deceived by the religious leader without knowing it and without this fact being apparent. So the reader/viewer genuinely thinks the religious people are the underdog victims being oppressed by the government. During this phase of the story, viewers / readers who are religious will find themselves connecting with the side of the religion and empathizing and rooting for them.
Then about three-quarter way through the story it is dramatically revealed that the religious leaders are not being honest. This fact is now revealed by the story shifting to the government's side of the matter being the focus, showing how the religious leaders are in fact using cult tactics to deceive the members and exploit them. Specific claims made by the religious leaders are exposed as being fabrications. The deceptions of the religious leaders would be very analogous to the deceptions used by the most popular religious leaders today.
So the movie would essentially help religious people today to think carefully about their own beliefs and the people indoctrinating them and to have a light bulb moment and think "OMG! what if..." and hopefully awaken to the deceptions of religions and seriously examine their own religious beliefs to see if it is really rational; to see if evolution really is without evidence as their religious leaders have told them, etc.
The story will end with one religious group having the most zealous believers who put loyalty to the leadership above facts and reason, deteriorating into a dangerous cult and committing mass suicide. In this phase of the story, it becomes painfully obvious to the viewer/reader how religious tactics like unfalsifiable claims, persecution complex, paranoia, us vs them, mistrust of non-members, information control, putting god above family, misplaced loyalty, etc can all conspire to keep people locked in against all reason, facts, logic, etc ultimately leading to disaster. Meanwhile the majority of members of another religion that is less cult-like are aided by the government to escape the mental slavery and delusions.
If done right this could be a powerful drama that will educate people of the dangers of irrational beliefs and manipulative cult-like religions. I'm no writer but if Terry or any writers on the board think it would make a good novel and want to use my idea they're free to do so