I heard one elder recently make a comment to the effect that if you miss meetings you are going against what Jehovah's spirit directed organization is saying which means you are going against what Jehovah is directing which means that you are apostate. Let me see now . . . miss meetings = go against organization direction = go against Jehovah = apostate. Yep, that was it. Just wanted to make sure I got the flow of reasoning right.
Don't know if he came up with that on his own or if he got it from someone else. Maybe the Borg boys will hear it here and put it in the mags. You heard it here first. . . new light!
Pretty soon it may come to this: If you don't give the right number of answers at the Watchtower study, it will be deemed that "at heart" you're not totally agreeing with what is being taught by the "faithful slave". Attendance will be taken at all meetings, and each answer given will be tallied. Then at the circuit overseer's meeting with the elders, they will determine who should be given special "shepherding" calls to determine who needs the most, um, "encouragement".
This fantasy seems a logical extension of the amount of control the leadership desires to have over "their" flock. (Geez, I hope they're not reading this in Brooklyn and thinking that this is actually a good idea!!)